]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic.git/blob - symantic-lib/Language/Symantic/Typing/Test.hs
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[haskell/symantic.git] / symantic-lib / Language / Symantic / Typing / Test.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
2 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
3 module Typing.Test where
5 import Test.Tasty
6 import Test.Tasty.HUnit
8 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
9 import Control.Arrow (left)
10 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
11 import Data.Maybe (isJust)
12 import Data.NonNull (NonNull)
13 import Data.Proxy
14 import Data.Ratio (Ratio)
15 import Data.Text (Text)
16 import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
17 import GHC.Exts (Constraint)
18 import Prelude hiding (exp)
19 import qualified Data.Function as Fun
20 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
21 import qualified Data.MonoTraversable as MT
22 import qualified Data.Sequences as Seqs
23 import qualified System.IO as IO
24 import qualified Text.Megaparsec as P
26 import Language.Symantic.Grammar
27 import Language.Symantic
28 import Language.Symantic.Lib hiding ((<$>), (<*), show)
30 import Grammar.Megaparsec ()
32 -- * Tests
33 type SS =
34 [ Proxy (->)
35 , Proxy Bool
36 , Proxy []
37 , Proxy ()
38 , Proxy (,)
39 , Proxy Char
40 , Proxy Either
41 , Proxy Int
42 , Proxy Integer
43 , Proxy IO
44 , Proxy IO.Handle
45 , Proxy IO.IOMode
46 , Proxy Ordering
47 , Proxy Map
48 , Proxy Maybe
49 , Proxy NonNull
50 , Proxy Ratio
51 , Proxy Text
52 , Proxy Applicative
53 , Proxy Bounded
54 , Proxy Enum
55 , Proxy Eq
56 , Proxy Foldable
57 , Proxy Functor
58 , Proxy Integral
59 , Proxy Monad
60 , Proxy Monoid
61 , Proxy MT.MonoFoldable
62 , Proxy MT.MonoFunctor
63 , Proxy Num
64 , Proxy Ord
65 , Proxy Real
66 , Proxy Seqs.IsSequence
67 , Proxy Seqs.SemiSequence
68 , Proxy Show
69 , Proxy Traversable
70 ]
71 type SRC = SrcTe (NonEmpty P.SourcePos) SS
73 impsTy :: Imports NameTy
74 impsTy = importTypes @SS []
76 modsTy :: Source src => ModulesTy src
77 modsTy =
78 Map.insert ([] `Mod` "String")
79 (TypeTLen $ \len -> TypeT $
80 tyConstLen @(K []) @[] len `tyApp`
81 tyConstLen @(K Char) @Char len) $
82 modulesTyInj @SS
84 tests :: TestTree
85 tests = testGroup "Typing" $
86 [ testGroup "readType" $
87 let run inp (TypeT exp :: TypeT SRC '[]) =
88 testCase inp $ got @?= Right (Right $ TypeVT exp)
89 where
90 got :: Either (P.ParseError Char P.Dec)
91 (Either (Error_Type SRC) (TypeVT SRC))
92 got = readType impsTy modsTy <$> P.runParser (unCF g) "" inp
93 g :: Gram_Type SRC g => CF g (AST_Type SRC)
94 g = g_type <* eoi in
95 let (==>) = run; infixr 0 ==> in
96 [ "Bool" ==> TypeT $ tyBool
97 , "(->) Bool" ==> TypeT $ tyFun `tyApp` tyBool
98 , "[]" ==> TypeT $ tyConst @(K []) @[]
99 , "[Char]" ==> TypeT $ tyList tyChar
100 , "[Char -> [Char]]" ==> TypeT $ tyList (tyChar ~> tyList tyChar)
101 , "([])" ==> TypeT $ tyConst @(K []) @[]
102 , "[()]" ==> TypeT $ tyList tyUnit
103 , "()" ==> TypeT $ tyUnit
104 , "(())" ==> TypeT $ tyUnit
105 , "(,)" ==> TypeT $ tyConst @(K (,)) @(,)
106 , "((,))" ==> TypeT $ tyConst @(K (,)) @(,)
107 , "(,) Int" ==> TypeT $ tyConst @(K (,)) @(,) `tyApp` tyInt
108 , "(Bool)" ==> TypeT $ tyBool
109 , "((Bool))" ==> TypeT $ tyBool
110 , "(Bool, Int)" ==> TypeT $ tyBool `tyTuple2` tyInt
111 , "((Bool, Int))" ==> TypeT $ tyBool `tyTuple2` tyInt
112 , "((Bool, Int), Char)" ==> TypeT $ (tyBool `tyTuple2` tyInt) `tyTuple2` tyChar
113 , "(Bool, Int) -> Char" ==> TypeT $ (tyBool `tyTuple2` tyInt) ~> tyChar
114 , "(Bool -> Int)" ==> TypeT $ tyBool ~> tyInt
115 , "String" ==> TypeT $ tyList tyChar
116 , "[Char] -> String" ==> TypeT $ tyList tyChar ~> tyList tyChar
117 , "String -> [Char]" ==> TypeT $ tyList tyChar ~> tyList tyChar
118 , "Maybe Bool" ==> TypeT $ tyMaybe tyBool
119 , "Either Bool Int" ==> TypeT $ tyEither tyBool tyInt
120 , "Bool -> Int" ==> TypeT $ tyBool ~> tyInt
121 , "(Bool -> Int) -> Char" ==> TypeT $ (tyBool ~> tyInt) ~> tyChar
122 , "Bool -> (Int -> Char)" ==> TypeT $ tyBool ~> (tyInt ~> tyChar)
123 , "Bool -> Int -> Char" ==> TypeT $ tyBool ~> tyInt ~> tyChar
124 , "Bool -> (Int -> Char) -> ()" ==> TypeT $ tyBool ~> (tyInt ~> tyChar) ~> tyUnit
125 , "IO" ==> TypeT $ tyConst @(K IO) @IO
126 , "Traversable IO" ==> TypeT $ tyTraversable (tyConst @(K IO) @IO)
127 , "Monad IO" ==> TypeT $ tyMonad (tyConst @(K IO) @IO)
128 , "(->) (IO Bool)" ==> TypeT $ tyConst @(K (->)) @(->) `tyApp` (tyIO tyBool)
129 , "Monad IO" ==> TypeT $ tyMonad (tyConst @(K IO) @IO)
130 , "Eq" ==> TypeT $ tyConst @(K Eq) @Eq
131 , "Eq Bool" ==> TypeT $ tyEq tyBool
132 ]
133 , testGroup "Parsing errors" $
134 let run inp = testCase inp $ got @?= Left ()
135 where
136 got :: Either () (AST_Type SRC)
137 got = left (\(_::P.ParseError (P.Token String) P.Dec) -> ()) $ P.runParser (unCF g) "" inp
138 g :: Gram_Type SRC g => CF g (AST_Type SRC)
139 g = g_type <* eoi in
140 run <$>
141 [ "Bool, Int"
142 , "(Bool -> Int) Char"
143 ]
144 , testGroup "Compiling errors" $
145 let run inp = testCase inp $ got @?= Right (Left ())
146 where
147 got :: Either (P.ParseError Char P.Dec) (Either () (TypeVT SRC))
148 got = left (Fun.const ()) . readType impsTy modsTy <$> P.runParser (unCF g) "" inp
149 g :: Gram_Type SRC g => CF g (AST_Type SRC)
150 g = g_type <* eoi in
151 run <$>
152 [ "NonExistingType"
153 , "Bool Int"
154 , "[IO]"
155 , "(->) IO"
156 , "(->) Bool Int Char"
157 , "Monad Eq"
158 ]
159 , testGroup "proveConstraint" $
160 let (==>) (typ::Type SRC SS (t::Constraint)) expected =
161 let imps = importTypes @SS [] in
162 let conf = config_Doc_Type{config_Doc_Type_imports = imps} in
163 testCase (showType conf typ) $
164 isJust (proveConstraint typ) @?= expected in
165 [ tyEq tyBool ==> True
166 , tyOrd tyBool ==> True
167 , tyFunctor (tyConst @(K Maybe) @Maybe) ==> True
168 , tyFunctor (tyConst @(K IO) @IO) ==> True
169 , tyMonad (tyConst @(K IO) @IO) ==> True
170 , tyTraversable (tyConst @(K IO) @IO) ==> False
171 ]
172 ]