1 module Language.Symantic.Document.Term.Dimension
2 ( module Language.Symantic.Document.Sym
3 , module Language.Symantic.Document.Term.Dimension
6 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
8 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
9 import Data.Function (($), (.), id)
10 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
11 import Data.Ord (Ord(..))
12 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
13 import Data.String (IsString(..))
14 import GHC.Exts (IsList(..))
15 import Prelude ((+), pred)
16 import Text.Show (Show(..))
18 import Language.Symantic.Document.Sym
23 { dim_width :: Nat -- ^ Maximun line length.
24 , dim_height :: Nat -- ^ Number of newlines.
25 , dim_width_first :: Nat -- ^ Nat of the first line.
26 , dim_width_last :: Nat -- ^ Nat of the last line.
28 instance Semigroup Dim where
29 Dim{dim_width=wx, dim_height=hx, dim_width_first=wfx, dim_width_last=wlx} <>
30 Dim{dim_width=wy, dim_height=hy, dim_width_first=wfy, dim_width_last=wly} =
33 (0, 0) -> let w = wx + wy in Dim w h w w
34 (0, _) -> let v = wfx + wfy in Dim (max v (wx + wy)) h v wly
35 (_, 0) -> let v = wlx + wfy in Dim (max v (wx + wy)) h wfx v
36 _ -> Dim (max wx wy) h wfx wly
37 instance Monoid Dim where
44 { reader_indent :: !Indent -- ^ Current indentation level, used by 'newline'.
45 , reader_newline :: Dimension -- ^ How to display 'newline'.
46 , reader_wrap_column :: !Column -- ^ 'Column' after which 'wrap' breaks on a 'breakpoint' or 'breakspace'.
47 , reader_colorable :: !Bool -- ^ Whether colors are activated or not.
48 , reader_decorable :: !Bool -- ^ Whether decorations are activated or not.
51 -- | Default 'Reader'.
55 , reader_newline = newlineWithIndent
56 , reader_wrap_column = Nat 80
57 , reader_colorable = True
58 , reader_decorable = True
70 { unDimension :: Reader ->
72 (State -> Dim -> Dim) -> -- normal continuation
73 (State -> Dim -> Dim) -> -- should-wrap continuation
76 dim :: Dimension -> Dim
77 dim (Dimension p) = p defReader defState oko oko
80 instance IsList Dimension where
81 type Item Dimension = Dimension
84 instance Semigroup Dimension where
85 x <> y = Dimension $ \ro st ok ko ->
87 (\sx tx -> unDimension y ro sx
88 (\sy ty -> ok sy (tx<>ty))
89 (\sy ty -> ko sy (tx<>ty)))
90 (\sx tx -> unDimension y ro sx
91 (\sy ty -> ko sy (tx<>ty))
92 (\sy ty -> ko sy (tx<>ty)))
93 instance Monoid Dimension where
96 instance IsString Dimension where
99 writeH :: Column -> Dimension
101 Dimension $ \ro col ok ko ->
102 let newCol = col + len in
103 (if newCol <= reader_wrap_column ro then ok else ko)
107 , dim_width_last = newCol
108 , dim_width_first = newCol
111 instance Textable Dimension where
112 empty = Dimension $ \_ro st ok _ko -> ok st mempty
114 stringH = writeH . length
115 textH = writeH . length
116 ltextH = writeH . length
118 integer = stringH . show
119 replicate cnt p | cnt <= 0 = empty
120 | otherwise = p <> replicate (pred cnt) p
121 newline = Dimension $ \ro -> unDimension (reader_newline ro) ro
122 instance Alignable Dimension where
123 align p = Dimension $ \ro st -> unDimension p ro{reader_indent=st} st
124 withNewline nl p = Dimension $ \ro -> unDimension p ro{reader_newline=nl}
125 withIndent ind p = Dimension $ \ro -> unDimension p ro{reader_indent=ind}
126 incrIndent ind p = Dimension $ \ro -> unDimension p ro{reader_indent=reader_indent ro + ind}
127 column f = Dimension $ \ro st -> unDimension (f st) ro st
128 newlineWithoutIndent = Dimension $ \_ro _st ok _ko ->
132 , dim_width_first = 0
135 newlineWithIndent = Dimension $ \ro _st ok _ko ->
136 let ind = reader_indent ro in
140 , dim_width_first = 0
141 , dim_width_last = ind
144 instance Wrapable Dimension where
145 ifWrap y x = Dimension $ \ro st ok ko ->
146 unDimension x ro st ok (\_sx _tx -> unDimension y ro st ok ko)
147 breakpoint onNoBreak onBreak p = Dimension $ \ro st ok ko ->
148 unDimension (onNoBreak <> p) ro st ok
149 (\_sp _tp -> unDimension (onBreak <> p) ro st ok ko)
150 withWrapColumn col p = Dimension $ \ro -> unDimension p ro{reader_wrap_column=col}
151 instance Colorable Dimension where
152 colorable f = Dimension $ \ro -> unDimension (f (reader_colorable ro)) ro
153 withColorable b t = Dimension $ \ro -> unDimension t ro{reader_colorable=b}
187 instance Decorable Dimension where
188 decorable f = Dimension $ \ro -> unDimension (f (reader_decorable ro)) ro
189 withDecorable b t = Dimension $ \ro -> unDimension t ro{reader_decorable=b}