]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic.git/blob - symantic/Language/Symantic/Compiling/Module.hs
Improve dynamic insertion of terms (via CtxTy or Modules).
[haskell/symantic.git] / symantic / Language / Symantic / Compiling / Module.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
8 module Language.Symantic.Compiling.Module where
10 import Data.Bool (not)
11 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
12 import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
13 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
14 import Data.Set (Set)
15 import Data.String (IsString(..))
16 import Data.Text (Text)
17 import Prelude hiding (mod, not, any)
18 import qualified Data.Kind as K
19 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
21 import Language.Symantic.Grammar
22 import Language.Symantic.Typing
23 import Language.Symantic.Compiling.Term
25 -- * Type 'Mod'
26 data Mod a = Mod PathMod a
27 deriving (Eq, Functor, Ord, Show)
29 -- ** Type 'PathMod'
30 type PathMod = [NameMod]
32 -- ** Type 'NameMod'
33 newtype NameMod = NameMod Text
34 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
35 instance IsString NameMod where
36 fromString = NameMod . fromString
38 -- * Class 'ModuleFor'
39 class ModuleFor src ss s where
40 moduleFor :: Proxy s -> (PathMod, Module src ss)
41 moduleFor _s = ([], moduleEmpty)
43 -- * Type 'Imports'
44 newtype Imports = Imports (Map PathMod (Map PathMod FilterImports))
45 type FilterImports = Maybe (Set NameTe)
47 importModulesAs :: PathMod -> Modules src ss -> Imports
48 importModulesAs as (Modules mods) = Imports $ Map.fromList [(as, Nothing <$ mods)]
50 -- * Type 'Modules'
51 newtype Modules src ss
52 = Modules
53 { modules :: Map PathMod (Module src ss)
54 } deriving (Eq, Show)
56 unionModules :: Modules src ss -> Modules src ss -> Either Error_Module (Modules src ss)
57 unionModules mx@(Modules x) my@(Modules y) =
58 case check x y of
59 Just err -> Left err
60 Nothing -> Right $ unionModulesUnchecked mx my
61 where
62 check ::
63 Map PathMod (Module src ss) ->
64 Map PathMod (Module src ss) ->
65 Maybe Error_Module
66 check x' y' =
67 case Map.intersectionWith (,) x' y' of
68 xy | null xy -> Nothing
69 xy ->
70 let errs =
71 Map.filter (not . null) $
72 (<$> xy) $ \(a, b) ->
73 inter a b module_prefix <>
74 inter a b module_infix <>
75 inter a b module_postfix in
76 case errs of
77 e | null e -> Nothing
78 e -> Just $ Error_Module_colliding_Term e
79 where
80 inter a b f = Map.keysSet $ Map.intersection (f a) (f b)
82 unionModulesUnchecked :: Modules src ss -> Modules src ss -> Modules src ss
83 unionModulesUnchecked (Modules x) (Modules y) =
84 Modules $ Map.unionWith (<>) x y
86 -- ** Type 'Error_Module'
87 data Error_Module
88 = Error_Module_colliding_Term (Map PathMod (Set NameTe))
89 | Error_Module_ambiguous (Mod NameTe) (Map PathMod NameTe)
90 | Error_Module_missing PathMod
91 | Error_Module_missing_Term (Mod NameTe)
92 deriving (Eq, Show)
94 -- ** Type 'Module'
95 data Module src ss
96 = Module
97 { module_prefix :: ModuleFixy src ss Unifix
98 , module_infix :: ModuleFixy src ss Infix
99 , module_postfix :: ModuleFixy src ss Unifix
100 } deriving (Eq, Show)
102 module_fixity :: FixitySing fixy -> Module src ss -> ModuleFixy src ss fixy
103 module_fixity = \case
104 FixitySing_Prefix -> module_prefix
105 FixitySing_Infix -> module_infix
106 FixitySing_Postfix -> module_postfix
108 moduleEmpty :: Module src ss
109 moduleEmpty = Module
110 { module_prefix = mempty
111 , module_infix = mempty
112 , module_postfix = mempty
113 }
115 moduleWhere :: forall src ss. Source src => PathMod -> [DefTerm src ss] -> (PathMod, Module src ss)
116 moduleWhere mod lst =
117 (mod,) Module
118 { module_infix = mk $ \(n `WithFixity` fixy := t) ->
119 case fixy of
120 Fixity2 inf -> [(n, Tokenizer inf $ Token_Term . setSource (TermAVT t))]
121 _ -> []
122 , module_prefix = mk $ \(n `WithFixity` fixy := t) ->
123 case fixy of
124 Fixity1 pre@Prefix{} -> [(n, Tokenizer pre $ Token_Term . setSource (TermAVT t))]
125 _ -> []
126 , module_postfix = mk $ \(n `WithFixity` fixy := t) ->
127 case fixy of
128 Fixity1 post@Postfix{} -> [(n, Tokenizer post $ Token_Term . setSource (TermAVT t))]
129 _ -> []
130 }
131 where
132 mk ::
133 (DefTerm src ss -> [(NameTe, Tokenizer fixy src ss)]) ->
134 Map NameTe (Tokenizer fixy src ss)
135 mk = Map.fromList . (`foldMap` lst)
137 -- *** Type 'ModuleFixy'
138 type ModuleFixy src ss fixy = Map NameTe (Tokenizer fixy src ss)
140 instance Semigroup (Module src ss) where
141 x <> y =
142 Module
143 { module_prefix = module_prefix x <> module_prefix y
144 , module_infix = module_infix x <> module_infix y
145 , module_postfix = module_postfix x <> module_postfix y
146 }
148 -- ** Type 'Tokenizer'
149 data Tokenizer fixy src ss
150 = Tokenizer
151 { token_fixity :: fixy
152 , token_term :: src -> Token_Term src ss
153 }
154 instance (Source src, Eq fixy) => Eq (Tokenizer fixy src ss) where
155 Tokenizer fx x == Tokenizer fy y = fx == fy && (x noSource) == (y noSource)
156 instance Source src => Show (Tokenizer fixy src ss) where
157 show (Tokenizer _fx x) = show (x noSource)
159 -- ** Type 'Token_Term'
160 data Token_Term src ss
161 = Token_Term (TermAVT src ss)
162 | Token_TermVT (TermVT src ss '[])
163 | Token_Term_Abst src NameTe (AST_Type src) (AST_Term src ss)
164 | Token_Term_Var src NameTe
165 | Token_Term_Let src NameTe (AST_Term src ss) (AST_Term src ss)
166 | Token_Term_App src
167 -- deriving (Eq, Show)
168 instance Source src => Eq (Token_Term src ss) where
169 Token_Term x == Token_Term y = x == y
170 Token_TermVT x == Token_TermVT y = x == y
171 Token_Term_Abst _ nx ax rx == Token_Term_Abst _ ny ay ry = nx == ny && ax == ay && rx == ry
172 Token_Term_Var _ x == Token_Term_Var _ y = x == y
173 Token_Term_Let _ nx ax rx == Token_Term_Let _ ny ay ry = nx == ny && ax == ay && rx == ry
174 Token_Term_App _ == Token_Term_App _ = True
175 _ == _ = False
176 instance Source src => Show (Token_Term src ss) where
177 showsPrec p (Token_Term x) =
178 showParen (p >= 10) $
179 showString "Token_Term" .
180 showChar ' ' . showsPrec 10 x
181 showsPrec p (Token_TermVT x) =
182 showParen (p >= 10) $
183 showString "Token_TermVT" .
184 showChar ' ' . showsPrec 10 x
185 showsPrec p (Token_Term_Abst _ n a r) =
186 showParen (p >= 10) $
187 showString "Token_Term_Abst" .
188 showChar ' ' . showsPrec 10 n .
189 showChar ' ' . showsPrec 10 a .
190 showChar ' ' . showsPrec 10 r
191 showsPrec p (Token_Term_Var _ x) =
192 showParen (p >= 10) $
193 showString "Token_Term_Var" .
194 showChar ' ' . showsPrec 10 x
195 showsPrec p (Token_Term_Let _ n a r) =
196 showParen (p >= 10) $
197 showString "Token_Term_Let" .
198 showChar ' ' . showsPrec 10 n .
199 showChar ' ' . showsPrec 10 a .
200 showChar ' ' . showsPrec 10 r
201 showsPrec _p (Token_Term_App _) = showString "Token_Term_App"
203 -- ** Type 'NameTe'
204 newtype NameTe = NameTe Text
205 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
206 instance IsString NameTe where
207 fromString = NameTe . fromString
209 -- * Type 'CtxTy'
210 -- | /Typing context/
211 -- accumulating at each /lambda abstraction/
212 -- the 'Type' of the introduced variable.
213 -- It is built top-down from the closest
214 -- including /lambda abstraction/ to the farest.
215 data CtxTy src (ts::[K.Type]) where
216 CtxTyZ :: CtxTy src '[]
217 CtxTyS :: NameTe
218 -> Type src '[] t
219 -> CtxTy src ts
220 -> CtxTy src (t ': ts)
221 infixr 5 `CtxTyS`
223 appendCtxTy
224 :: CtxTy src ts0
225 -> CtxTy src ts1
226 -> CtxTy src (ts0 ++ ts1)
227 appendCtxTy CtxTyZ c = c
228 appendCtxTy (CtxTyS n t c) c' = CtxTyS n t $ appendCtxTy c c'
232 -- ** Type 'AST_Term'
233 -- | /Abstract Syntax Tree/ of 'Token_Term'.
234 type AST_Term src ss = BinTree (Token_Term src ss)
236 -- * Class 'Inj_Modules'
237 type Inj_Modules src ss
238 = Inj_ModulesR src ss ss
240 inj_Modules :: forall src ss. Inj_Modules src ss => Either Error_Module (Modules src ss)
241 inj_Modules = inj_ModulesR (Proxy @ss)
243 -- ** Class 'Inj_ModulesR'
244 class Inj_ModulesR src (ss::[*]) (rs::[*]) where
245 inj_ModulesR :: Proxy rs -> Either Error_Module (Modules src ss)
246 instance Inj_ModulesR src ss '[] where
247 inj_ModulesR _rs = Right $ Modules mempty
248 instance
249 ( ModuleFor src ss s
250 , Inj_ModulesR src ss rs
251 ) => Inj_ModulesR src ss (Proxy s ': rs) where
252 inj_ModulesR _s = do
253 x <- inj_ModulesR (Proxy @rs)
254 let (n, m) = moduleFor (Proxy @s)
255 Modules (Map.singleton n m) `unionModules` x
257 -- * Type 'DefTerm'
258 data DefTerm src ss
259 = forall vs t.
260 (:=) (WithFixity NameTe)
261 (forall ts. Term src ss ts vs t)
263 -- | Lookup given 'Mod' 'NameTe' into the 'Infix' 'TermDef' of given 'Modules'.
264 --
265 -- NOTE: 'Token_Term_App' is returned for the space 'NameTe'.
266 lookupDefTerm ::
267 forall src ss fixy.
268 FixitySing fixy ->
269 Imports ->
270 Mod NameTe ->
271 Modules src ss ->
272 Either Error_Module (Tokenizer fixy src ss)
273 lookupDefTerm FixitySing_Infix _is ([] `Mod` " ") _ms =
274 Right $ Tokenizer
275 { token_term = Token_Term_App @src @ss
276 , token_fixity = Infix (Just AssocL) 9
277 }
278 lookupDefTerm fixy (Imports is) mn@(m `Mod` n) (Modules mods) =
279 let mod_fixy = module_fixity fixy in
280 case Map.lookup m is of
281 Nothing ->
282 maybe (Left $ Error_Module_missing m) Right (Map.lookup m mods) >>=
283 maybe (Left $ Error_Module_missing_Term mn) Right .
284 Map.lookup n . mod_fixy
285 Just ims ->
286 let look =
287 -- n matches amongst ims
288 (`Map.mapMaybeWithKey` ims) $ \im _ft -> -- TODO: filter NameTe
289 Map.lookup im mods >>=
290 Map.lookup n . mod_fixy >>=
291 Just . Map.singleton n in
292 case Map.minView look of
293 Nothing -> Left $ Error_Module_missing_Term mn
294 Just (r, rs) | null rs -> Right $ snd $ Map.findMin r
295 | otherwise -> Left $ Error_Module_ambiguous mn $ fst . Map.findMin <$> look
297 -- | Delete given 'Mod' 'NameTe' into given 'Modules'.
298 deleteDefTerm :: Mod NameTe -> Modules src ss -> Modules src ss
299 deleteDefTerm (m `Mod` n) (Modules ms) = Modules $ Map.adjust del m ms
300 where del mod = mod
301 { module_prefix = Map.delete n $ module_prefix mod
302 , module_infix = Map.delete n $ module_infix mod
303 , module_postfix = Map.delete n $ module_postfix mod
304 }
306 -- | Delete given 'Mod' 'NameTe' into 'module_infix's of given 'Modules'.
307 deleteDefTermInfix :: Mod NameTe -> Modules src ss -> Modules src ss
308 deleteDefTermInfix (m `Mod` n) (Modules ms) = Modules $ Map.adjust del m ms
309 where del mod = mod{module_infix = Map.delete n $ module_infix mod}
311 -- | Delete given 'Mod' 'NameTe' into 'module_prefix's of given 'Modules'.
312 deleteDefTermPrefix :: Mod NameTe -> Modules src ss -> Modules src ss
313 deleteDefTermPrefix (m `Mod` n) (Modules ms) = Modules $ Map.adjust del m ms
314 where del mod = mod{module_prefix = Map.delete n $ module_prefix mod}
316 -- | Delete given 'Mod' 'NameTe' into 'module_postfix's of given 'Modules'.
317 deleteDefTermPostix :: Mod NameTe -> Modules src ss -> Modules src ss
318 deleteDefTermPostix (m `Mod` n) (Modules ms) = Modules $ Map.adjust del m ms
319 where del mod = mod{module_postfix = Map.delete n $ module_postfix mod}
321 insertDefTerm ::
322 forall src ss.
323 Source src =>
324 Mod (DefTerm src ss) -> Modules src ss -> Modules src ss
325 insertDefTerm (m `Mod` (n `WithFixity` fixy := t)) (Modules ms) =
326 Modules $ Map.insert m (insFixy fixy moduleEmpty) ms
327 where
328 insFixy :: Fixity -> Module src ss -> Module src ss
329 insFixy f mod =
330 case f of
331 Fixity1 uni@Prefix{} -> mod {module_prefix = ins uni $ module_prefix mod}
332 Fixity2 inf@Infix{} -> mod {module_infix = ins inf $ module_infix mod}
333 Fixity1 uni@Postfix{} -> mod {module_postfix = ins uni $ module_postfix mod}
334 ins :: f -> ModuleFixy src ss f -> ModuleFixy src ss f
335 ins f = Map.insert n $ Tokenizer f $ Token_Term . setSource (TermAVT t)
337 insertTermVT ::
338 forall src ss.
339 Source src =>
340 Mod (TermVT src ss '[]) -> NameTe -> Fixity ->
341 Modules src ss -> Modules src ss
342 insertTermVT (m `Mod` t) n fixy (Modules ms) =
343 Modules $ Map.insert m (insFixy fixy moduleEmpty) ms
344 where
345 insFixy :: Fixity -> Module src ss -> Module src ss
346 insFixy f mod =
347 case f of
348 Fixity1 uni@Prefix{} -> mod {module_prefix = ins uni $ module_prefix mod}
349 Fixity2 inf@Infix{} -> mod {module_infix = ins inf $ module_infix mod}
350 Fixity1 uni@Postfix{} -> mod {module_postfix = ins uni $ module_postfix mod}
351 ins :: f -> ModuleFixy src ss f -> ModuleFixy src ss f
352 ins f = Map.insert n $ Tokenizer f $ Token_TermVT . setSource t
354 -- ** Type 'WithFixity'
355 data WithFixity a
356 = WithFixity a Fixity
357 deriving (Eq, Show)
358 instance IsString (WithFixity NameTe) where
359 fromString a = WithFixity (fromString a) (Fixity2 infixN5)
361 withInfix :: a -> Infix -> WithFixity a
362 withInfix a inf = a `WithFixity` Fixity2 inf
363 withInfixR :: a -> Precedence -> WithFixity a
364 withInfixR a p = a `WithFixity` Fixity2 (infixR p)
365 withInfixL :: a -> Precedence -> WithFixity a
366 withInfixL a p = a `WithFixity` Fixity2 (infixL p)
367 withInfixN :: a -> Precedence -> WithFixity a
368 withInfixN a p = a `WithFixity` Fixity2 (infixN p)
369 withInfixB :: a -> (Side, Precedence) -> WithFixity a
370 withInfixB a (lr, p) = a `WithFixity` Fixity2 (infixB lr p)
371 withPrefix :: a -> Precedence -> WithFixity a
372 withPrefix a p = a `WithFixity` Fixity1 (Prefix p)
373 withPostfix :: a -> Precedence -> WithFixity a
374 withPostfix a p = a `WithFixity` Fixity1 (Postfix p)
376 -- ** Type 'FixitySing'
377 data FixitySing fixy where
378 FixitySing_Prefix :: FixitySing Unifix
379 FixitySing_Infix :: FixitySing Infix
380 FixitySing_Postfix :: FixitySing Unifix
381 deriving instance Eq (FixitySing fixy)
382 deriving instance Show (FixitySing fixy)