]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic.git/blob - symantic/Language/Symantic/Parsing/Token.hs
Cleanup dead-end attempts.
[haskell/symantic.git] / symantic / Language / Symantic / Parsing / Token.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
5 module Language.Symantic.Parsing.Token where
7 import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
8 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
9 import Data.String (String)
10 import Data.Type.Equality
12 import Language.Symantic.Grammar (Gram_Meta(..))
13 import Language.Symantic.Helper.Data.Type.List
14 import Language.Symantic.Helper.Data.Type.Peano
16 -- * Type 'Token'
17 type Token src ts = TokenR src ts ts
19 -- ** Type 'TokenR'
20 data TokenR src (ts::[*]) (rs::[*]) (t:: *) where
21 TokenZ :: src -> TokenT src ts t -> TokenR src ts (t ': rs) t
22 TokenS :: TokenR src ts rs t -> TokenR src ts (not_t ': rs) t
23 infixr 5 `TokenS`
25 instance Source src => Sourced (TokenR src ts rs t) where
26 type Source_of (TokenR src ts rs t) = src
27 source_of (TokenZ src _) = src
28 source_of (TokenS tok) = source_of tok
29 source_is (TokenZ _ tok) src = TokenZ src tok
30 source_is (TokenS tok) src = TokenS $ source_is tok src
32 -- ** Data family 'TokenT'
33 data family TokenT src (ts::[*]) (t:: *) :: *
35 -- ** Type 'Eq_Token'
36 type Eq_Token src ts = Eq_TokenR src ts ts
38 -- *** Type 'Eq_TokenR'
39 instance (Eq src, Eq_TokenR src ts rs) => Eq (TokenR src ts rs t) where
40 (==) = eq_TokenR (==)
41 class Eq_TokenR src (ts::[*]) (rs::[*]) where
42 eq_TokenR :: (src -> src -> Bool)
43 -> TokenR src ts rs x
44 -> TokenR src ts rs y -> Bool
45 instance
46 ( Eq (TokenT src ts t)
47 , Eq_TokenR src ts (r ': rs)
48 ) => Eq_TokenR src ts (t ': r ': rs) where
49 eq_TokenR eq_Loc (TokenZ xl x) (TokenZ yl y) = xl `eq_Loc` yl && x == y
50 eq_TokenR eq_Loc (TokenS x) (TokenS y) = eq_TokenR eq_Loc x y
51 eq_TokenR _ _ _ = False
52 instance
53 ( Eq (TokenT src ts t)
54 ) => Eq_TokenR src ts (t ': '[]) where
55 eq_TokenR eq_Loc (TokenZ xl x) (TokenZ yl y) = xl `eq_Loc` yl && x == y
56 eq_TokenR _ _ _ = False
58 -- ** Type 'TestEquality_Token'
59 type TestEquality_Token src ts
60 = TestEquality_TokenR src ts ts
62 -- *** Type 'TestEquality_TokenR'
63 instance
64 TestEquality_TokenR src ts rs =>
65 TestEquality (TokenR src ts rs) where
66 testEquality = testEqualityR
67 class TestEquality_TokenR src (ts::[*]) (rs::[*]) where
68 testEqualityR :: TokenR src ts rs x
69 -> TokenR src ts rs y
70 -> Maybe (x :~: y)
71 instance
72 ( Eq src
73 , Eq (TokenT src ts t)
74 , TestEquality_TokenR src ts (r ': rs)
75 ) => TestEquality_TokenR src ts (t ': r ': rs) where
76 testEqualityR (TokenZ _xl x) (TokenZ _yl y)
77 | {-xl == yl &&-} x == y
78 = Just Refl
79 testEqualityR (TokenS x) (TokenS y) = testEqualityR x y
80 testEqualityR _ _ = Nothing
81 instance
82 ( Eq src
83 , Eq (TokenT src ts t)
84 ) => TestEquality_TokenR src ts (t ': '[]) where
85 testEqualityR (TokenZ _xl x) (TokenZ _yl y)
86 | {-xl == yl &&-} x == y
87 = Just Refl
88 testEqualityR _ _ = Nothing
90 -- ** Type 'Show_Token'
91 type Show_Token src ts = Show_TokenR src ts ts
93 -- *** Type 'Show_TokenR'
94 instance Show_TokenR src ts rs => Show (TokenR src ts rs t) where
95 show = show_TokenR
96 class Show_TokenR src (ts::[*]) (rs::[*]) where
97 show_TokenR :: TokenR src ts rs x -> String
98 instance
99 ( Show src
100 , Show (TokenT src ts t)
101 , Show_TokenR src ts (r ': rs)
102 ) => Show_TokenR src ts (t ': r ': rs) where
103 show_TokenR (TokenZ m t) = show (m, t)
104 show_TokenR (TokenS rs) = show_TokenR rs
105 instance
106 ( Show src
107 , Show (TokenT src ts t)
108 ) => Show_TokenR src ts (t ': '[]) where
109 show_TokenR (TokenZ m t) = show (m, t)
110 show_TokenR TokenS{} = error "Oops, the impossible happened..."
112 -- ** Type 'EToken'
113 -- | Existential 'Token'.
114 data EToken src (ts::[*])
115 = forall t. EToken (Token src ts t)
117 instance (Eq_Token src ts, Eq src) => Eq (EToken src ts) where
118 EToken x == EToken y = eq_TokenR (==) x y
119 instance Show_Token src ts => Show (EToken src ts) where
120 show (EToken x) = show x
121 instance Source src => Sourced (EToken src ts) where
122 type Source_of (EToken src ts) = src
123 source_of (EToken tok) = source_of tok
124 source_is (EToken tok) src = EToken $ source_is tok src
126 -- * Type 'Inj_Token'
127 -- | Convenient type synonym wrapping 'Inj_TokenP'
128 -- applied on the correct 'Index'.
129 type Inj_Token src ts t = Inj_TokenP (Index ts (Proxy t)) src ts ts t
131 inj_Token
132 :: forall src ts t.
133 Inj_Token src ts t
134 => src
135 -> TokenT src ts (Proxy t)
136 -> Token src ts (Proxy t)
137 inj_Token = inj_TokenP (Proxy @(Index ts (Proxy t)))
139 inj_EToken
140 :: forall src ts t.
141 Inj_Token src ts t
142 => src
143 -> TokenT src ts (Proxy t)
144 -> EToken src ts
145 inj_EToken src = EToken . inj_TokenP (Proxy @(Index ts (Proxy t))) src
147 -- ** Class 'Inj_TokenP'
148 class Inj_TokenP p src ts rs (t::kt) where
149 inj_TokenP :: Proxy p -> src
150 -> TokenT src ts (Proxy t)
151 -> TokenR src ts rs (Proxy t)
152 instance Inj_TokenP Zero src ts (Proxy t ': rs) t where
153 inj_TokenP _ = TokenZ
154 instance
155 Inj_TokenP p src ts rs t =>
156 Inj_TokenP (Succ p) src ts (not_t ': rs) t where
157 inj_TokenP _p src = TokenS . inj_TokenP (Proxy @p) src
159 -- ** Type 'Inj_Tokens'
160 type Inj_Tokens src ts ts_to_inj
161 = Concat_Constraints (Inj_TokensR src ts ts_to_inj)
163 -- *** Type family 'Inj_TokensR'
164 type family Inj_TokensR src ts ts_to_inj where
165 Inj_TokensR src ts '[] = '[]
166 Inj_TokensR src ts (Proxy t ': rs) = Inj_Token src ts t ': Inj_TokensR src ts rs
168 -- * Class 'Proj_Token'
169 -- | Convenient type synonym wrapping 'Proj_TokenP'
170 -- applied on the correct 'Index'.
171 type Proj_Token ts t = Proj_TokenP (Index ts (Proxy t)) ts ts t
173 proj_Token :: forall src ts t u.
174 Proj_Token ts t
175 => Token src ts u
176 -> Maybe (Proxy t :~: u, src, TokenT src ts u)
177 proj_Token = proj_TokenP (Proxy @(Index ts (Proxy t)))
179 proj_EToken :: forall src ts t.
180 Proj_Token ts t
181 => EToken src ts
182 -> Maybe (src, TokenT src ts (Proxy t))
183 proj_EToken (EToken (tok::TokenR src ts ts u)) =
184 case proj_Token tok of
185 Just (Refl :: Proxy t :~: u, src, to) -> Just (src, to)
186 Nothing -> Nothing
188 -- ** Type 'Proj_TokenP'
189 class Proj_TokenP p ts rs t where
190 proj_TokenP
191 :: Proxy p -> TokenR src ts rs u
192 -> Maybe (Proxy t :~: u, src, TokenT src ts u)
193 instance Proj_TokenP Zero ts (Proxy t ': rs) t where
194 proj_TokenP _p (TokenZ src tok) = Just (Refl, src, tok)
195 proj_TokenP _p TokenS{} = Nothing
196 instance Proj_TokenP p ts rs t => Proj_TokenP (Succ p) ts (not_t ': rs) t where
197 proj_TokenP _p TokenZ{} = Nothing
198 proj_TokenP _p (TokenS u) = proj_TokenP (Proxy @p) u
200 -- * Class 'Source'
201 class Source src where
202 sourceLess :: src
203 instance Source () where
204 sourceLess = ()
206 -- * Class 'Inj_Source'
207 class Source src => Inj_Source a src where
208 inj_Source :: a -> src
209 instance Inj_Source a () where
210 inj_Source _ = ()
212 -- ** Type 'Sourced'
213 class Source (Source_of a) => Sourced a where
214 type Source_of a
215 source_of :: a -> Source_of a
216 source_is :: a -> Source_of a -> a
217 infixl 5 `source_is`
219 source :: (Inj_Source src (Source_of a), Sourced a) => a -> src -> a
220 source a src = a `source_is` inj_Source src
222 -- ** Type 'Text_of_Source'
223 type family Text_of_Source (src :: *) :: *
225 sourceG :: forall meta src g a.
226 ( Gram_Meta meta g
227 , meta ~ Text_of_Source src
228 , Inj_Source meta src
229 , Functor g
230 ) => g (src -> a) -> g a
231 sourceG g = metaG $ (\f (txt::Text_of_Source src) -> f (inj_Source txt :: src)) <$> g
233 -- * Type 'At'
234 -- | Attach a source.
235 data At src a
236 = At src a
237 deriving (Eq, Show)
239 instance Functor (At src) where
240 fmap f (At src a) = At src (f a)
241 unAt :: At src a -> a
242 unAt (At _ a) = a
244 -- * Type 'BinTree'
245 -- | Binary Tree.
246 data BinTree a
247 = BinTree0 a
248 | BinTree1 (BinTree a) (BinTree a)
249 deriving (Eq, Show)
251 instance Semigroup (BinTree a) where
252 (<>) = BinTree1
253 instance Functor BinTree where
254 fmap f (BinTree0 a) = BinTree0 (f a)
255 fmap f (BinTree1 x y) = BinTree1 (fmap f x) (fmap f y)
256 instance Applicative BinTree where
257 pure = BinTree0
258 BinTree0 f <*> BinTree0 a = BinTree0 (f a)
259 BinTree0 f <*> BinTree1 x y = BinTree1 (f <$> x) (f <$> y)
260 BinTree1 fx fy <*> a = BinTree1 (fx <*> a) (fy <*> a)
261 instance Monad BinTree where
262 return = BinTree0
263 BinTree0 a >>= f = f a
264 BinTree1 x y >>= f = BinTree1 (x >>= f) (y >>= f)
265 instance Foldable BinTree where
266 foldMap f (BinTree0 a) = f a
267 foldMap f (BinTree1 x y) = foldMap f x `mappend` foldMap f y
268 foldr f acc (BinTree0 a) = f a acc
269 foldr f acc (BinTree1 x y) = foldr f (foldr f acc y) x
270 foldl f acc (BinTree0 a) = f acc a
271 foldl f acc (BinTree1 x y) = foldl f (foldl f acc x) y
272 instance Traversable BinTree where
273 traverse f (BinTree0 a) = BinTree0 <$> f a
274 traverse f (BinTree1 x y) = BinTree1 <$> traverse f x <*> traverse f y