]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic.git/blob - symantic-lib/Language/Symantic/Lib/Bounded.hs
Try the new Type and Term design against the actual needs.
[haskell/symantic.git] / symantic-lib / Language / Symantic / Lib / Bounded.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
2 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
3 -- | Symantic for 'Bounded'.
4 module Language.Symantic.Lib.Bounded where
6 import Data.Proxy
7 import Data.Type.Equality ((:~:)(Refl))
8 import Prelude as Bounded (Bounded)
9 import Prelude hiding (Bounded(..))
10 import qualified Data.Function as Fun
11 import qualified Prelude as Bounded
13 import Language.Symantic.Parsing
14 import Language.Symantic.Typing
15 import Language.Symantic.Compiling
16 import Language.Symantic.Interpreting
17 import Language.Symantic.Transforming
19 -- * Class 'Sym_Bounded'
20 class Sym_Bounded term where
21 minBound :: Bounded a => term a
22 maxBound :: Bounded a => term a
23 default minBound :: (Trans t term, Bounded a) => t term a
24 default maxBound :: (Trans t term, Bounded a) => t term a
25 minBound = trans_lift minBound
26 maxBound = trans_lift maxBound
28 type instance Sym_of_Iface (Proxy Bounded) = Sym_Bounded
29 type instance TyConsts_of_Iface (Proxy Bounded) = Proxy Bounded ': TyConsts_imported_by (Proxy Bounded)
30 type instance TyConsts_imported_by (Proxy Bounded) = '[]
32 instance Sym_Bounded HostI where
33 minBound = HostI Bounded.minBound
34 maxBound = HostI Bounded.maxBound
35 instance Sym_Bounded TextI where
36 minBound = textI0 "minBound"
37 maxBound = textI0 "maxBound"
38 instance (Sym_Bounded r1, Sym_Bounded r2) => Sym_Bounded (DupI r1 r2) where
39 minBound = dupI0 @Sym_Bounded minBound
40 maxBound = dupI0 @Sym_Bounded maxBound
42 instance
43 ( Read_TyNameR TyName cs rs
44 , Inj_TyConst cs Bounded
45 ) => Read_TyNameR TyName cs (Proxy Bounded ': rs) where
46 read_TyNameR _cs (TyName "Bounded") k = k (ty @Bounded)
47 read_TyNameR _rs raw k = read_TyNameR (Proxy @rs) raw k
48 instance Show_TyConst cs => Show_TyConst (Proxy Bounded ': cs) where
49 show_TyConst TyConstZ{} = "Bounded"
50 show_TyConst (TyConstS c) = show_TyConst c
52 instance Proj_TyConC cs (Proxy Bounded)
53 data instance TokenT meta (ts::[*]) (Proxy Bounded)
54 = Token_Term_Bounded_minBound (EToken meta '[Proxy Token_Type])
55 | Token_Term_Bounded_maxBound (EToken meta '[Proxy Token_Type])
56 deriving instance (Eq meta, Eq_Token meta ts) => Eq (TokenT meta ts (Proxy Bounded))
57 deriving instance (Show meta, Show_Token meta ts) => Show (TokenT meta ts (Proxy Bounded))
59 instance -- CompileI
60 ( Read_TyName TyName cs
61 , Inj_TyConst cs Bounded
62 , Proj_TyCon cs
63 , Compile cs is
64 ) => CompileI cs is (Proxy Bounded) where
65 compileI tok _ctx k =
66 case tok of
67 Token_Term_Bounded_minBound tok_ty_a -> bound minBound tok_ty_a
68 Token_Term_Bounded_maxBound tok_ty_a -> bound maxBound tok_ty_a
69 where
70 bound (bnd::forall term a. (Sym_Bounded term, Bounded a) => term a) tok_ty_a =
71 -- minBound :: Bounded a => a
72 -- maxBound :: Bounded a => a
73 compile_Type tok_ty_a $ \(ty_a::Type cs a) ->
74 check_Kind
75 (At Nothing SKiType)
76 (At (Just tok_ty_a) $ kind_of ty_a) $ \Refl ->
77 check_TyCon (At (Just tok_ty_a) (ty @Bounded :$ ty_a)) $ \TyCon ->
78 k ty_a $ Term $ Fun.const bnd
79 instance -- TokenizeT
80 Inj_Token meta ts Bounded =>
81 TokenizeT meta ts (Proxy Bounded) where
82 tokenizeT _t = mempty
83 { tokenizers_infix = tokenizeTMod []
84 [ (TeName "minBound",) ProTok_Term
85 { protok_term = \meta -> ProTokPi $ \a ->
86 ProTokTe $ inj_EToken meta $ Token_Term_Bounded_minBound a
87 , protok_fixity = infixN5
88 }
89 , (TeName "maxBound",) ProTok_Term
90 { protok_term = \meta -> ProTokPi $ \a ->
91 ProTokTe $ inj_EToken meta $ Token_Term_Bounded_maxBound a
92 , protok_fixity = infixN5
93 }
94 ]
95 }
96 instance Gram_Term_AtomsT meta ts (Proxy Bounded) g