]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic.git/blob - symantic-lib/Language/Symantic/Lib/Either.hs
Try the new Type and Term design against the actual needs.
[haskell/symantic.git] / symantic-lib / Language / Symantic / Lib / Either.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
2 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
3 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fconstraint-solver-iterations=9 #-}
4 -- | Symantic for 'Either'.
5 module Language.Symantic.Lib.Either where
7 import Control.Monad (liftM, liftM3)
8 import Data.Proxy
9 import Data.Type.Equality ((:~:)(Refl))
10 import Prelude hiding (either)
11 import qualified Data.Either as Either
12 import qualified Data.MonoTraversable as MT
14 import Language.Symantic.Parsing
15 import Language.Symantic.Typing
16 import Language.Symantic.Compiling
17 import Language.Symantic.Interpreting
18 import Language.Symantic.Transforming
19 import Language.Symantic.Lib.Lambda
20 import Language.Symantic.Lib.MonoFunctor (TyFam_MonoElement(..))
22 -- * Class 'Sym_Tuple'
23 class Sym_Either term where
24 _Left :: term l -> term (Either l r)
25 _Right :: term r -> term (Either l r)
26 either :: term (l -> a) -> term (r -> a) -> term (Either l r) -> term a
27 default _Left :: Trans t term => t term l -> t term (Either l r)
28 default _Right :: Trans t term => t term r -> t term (Either l r)
29 default either :: Trans t term => t term (l -> a) -> t term (r -> a) -> t term (Either l r) -> t term a
30 _Left = trans_map1 _Left
31 _Right = trans_map1 _Right
32 either = trans_map3 either
34 type instance Sym_of_Iface (Proxy Either) = Sym_Either
35 type instance TyConsts_of_Iface (Proxy Either) = Proxy Either ': TyConsts_imported_by (Proxy Either)
36 type instance TyConsts_imported_by (Proxy Either) =
37 [ Proxy (->)
38 , Proxy Applicative
39 , Proxy Eq
40 , Proxy Foldable
41 , Proxy Functor
42 , Proxy Monad
43 , Proxy MT.MonoFoldable
44 , Proxy MT.MonoFunctor
45 , Proxy Ord
46 , Proxy Show
47 , Proxy Traversable
48 ]
50 instance Sym_Either HostI where
51 _Right = liftM Right
52 _Left = liftM Left
53 either = liftM3 Either.either
54 instance Sym_Either TextI where
55 _Right = textI1 "Right"
56 _Left = textI1 "Left"
57 either = textI3 "either"
58 instance (Sym_Either r1, Sym_Either r2) => Sym_Either (DupI r1 r2) where
59 _Left = dupI1 @Sym_Either _Left
60 _Right = dupI1 @Sym_Either _Right
61 either = dupI3 @Sym_Either either
63 instance
64 ( Read_TyNameR TyName cs rs
65 , Inj_TyConst cs Either
66 ) => Read_TyNameR TyName cs (Proxy Either ': rs) where
67 read_TyNameR _cs (TyName "Either") k = k (ty @Either)
68 read_TyNameR _rs raw k = read_TyNameR (Proxy @rs) raw k
69 instance Show_TyConst cs => Show_TyConst (Proxy Either ': cs) where
70 show_TyConst TyConstZ{} = "Either"
71 show_TyConst (TyConstS c) = show_TyConst c
73 instance -- Proj_TyFamC TyFam_MonoElement
74 ( Proj_TyConst cs Either
75 ) => Proj_TyFamC cs TyFam_MonoElement Either where
76 proj_TyFamC _c _fam ((TyConst c :$ _ty_l :$ ty_r) `TypesS` TypesZ)
77 | Just Refl <- eq_SKind (kind_of_TyConst c) (SKiType `SKiArrow` SKiType `SKiArrow` SKiType)
78 , Just Refl <- proj_TyConst c (Proxy @Either)
79 = Just ty_r
80 proj_TyFamC _c _fam _ty = Nothing
82 instance -- Proj_TyConC
83 ( Proj_TyConst cs Either
84 , Proj_TyConsts cs (TyConsts_imported_by (Proxy Either))
85 , Proj_TyCon cs
86 ) => Proj_TyConC cs (Proxy Either) where
87 proj_TyConC _ (TyConst q :$ (TyConst c :$ _l))
88 | Just Refl <- eq_SKind (kind_of_TyConst c) (SKiType `SKiArrow` SKiType `SKiArrow` SKiType)
89 , Just Refl <- proj_TyConst c (Proxy @Either)
90 = case () of
91 _ | Just Refl <- proj_TyConst q (Proxy @Functor) -> Just TyCon
92 | Just Refl <- proj_TyConst q (Proxy @Applicative) -> Just TyCon
93 | Just Refl <- proj_TyConst q (Proxy @Monad) -> Just TyCon
94 | Just Refl <- proj_TyConst q (Proxy @Foldable) -> Just TyCon
95 | Just Refl <- proj_TyConst q (Proxy @Traversable) -> Just TyCon
96 _ -> Nothing
97 proj_TyConC _ (t@(TyConst q) :$ (TyConst c :$ l :$ r))
98 | Just Refl <- eq_SKind (kind_of_TyConst c) (SKiType `SKiArrow` SKiType `SKiArrow` SKiType)
99 , Just Refl <- proj_TyConst c (Proxy @Either)
100 = case () of
101 _ | Just Refl <- proj_TyConst q (Proxy @Eq)
102 , Just TyCon <- proj_TyCon (t :$ l)
103 , Just TyCon <- proj_TyCon (t :$ r) -> Just TyCon
104 | Just Refl <- proj_TyConst q (Proxy @Ord)
105 , Just TyCon <- proj_TyCon (t :$ l)
106 , Just TyCon <- proj_TyCon (t :$ r) -> Just TyCon
107 | Just Refl <- proj_TyConst q (Proxy @Show)
108 , Just TyCon <- proj_TyCon (t :$ l)
109 , Just TyCon <- proj_TyCon (t :$ r) -> Just TyCon
110 | Just Refl <- proj_TyConst q (Proxy @MT.MonoFoldable) -> Just TyCon
111 | Just Refl <- proj_TyConst q (Proxy @MT.MonoFunctor) -> Just TyCon
112 _ -> Nothing
113 proj_TyConC _c _q = Nothing
114 data instance TokenT meta (ts::[*]) (Proxy Either)
115 = Token_Term_Either_Left (EToken meta '[Proxy Token_Type]) (EToken meta ts)
116 | Token_Term_Either_Right (EToken meta '[Proxy Token_Type]) (EToken meta ts)
117 | Token_Term_Either_either (EToken meta ts) (EToken meta ts)
118 deriving instance (Eq meta, Eq_Token meta ts) => Eq (TokenT meta ts (Proxy Either))
119 deriving instance (Show meta, Show_Token meta ts) => Show (TokenT meta ts (Proxy Either))
121 instance -- CompileI
122 ( Read_TyName TyName cs
123 , Inj_TyConst cs Either
124 , Inj_TyConst cs (->)
125 -- , Proj_Token is Token_Type
126 , Compile cs is
127 ) => CompileI cs is (Proxy Either) where
128 compileI tok ctx k =
129 case tok of
130 Token_Term_Either_Left tok_ty_r tok_l ->
131 -- Left :: l -> Either l r
132 compile_Type tok_ty_r $ \(ty_r::Type cs r) ->
133 check_Kind
134 (At Nothing SKiType)
135 (At (Just tok_ty_r) $ kind_of ty_r) $ \Refl ->
136 compile tok_l ctx $ \ty_l (Term l) ->
137 k ((ty @Either :$ ty_l) :$ ty_r) $ Term $
138 \c -> _Left (l c)
139 Token_Term_Either_Right tok_ty_l tok_r ->
140 -- Right :: r -> Either l r
141 compile_Type tok_ty_l $ \(ty_l::Type cs l) ->
142 check_Kind
143 (At Nothing SKiType)
144 (At (Just tok_ty_l) $ kind_of ty_l) $ \Refl ->
145 compile tok_r ctx $ \ty_r (Term r) ->
146 k ((ty @Either :$ ty_l) :$ ty_r) $ Term $
147 \c -> _Right (r c)
148 Token_Term_Either_either tok_l2a tok_r2a ->
149 -- either :: (l -> a) -> (r -> a) -> Either l r -> a
150 compile tok_l2a ctx $ \ty_l2a (Term l2a) ->
151 compile tok_r2a ctx $ \ty_r2a (Term r2a) ->
152 check_TyEq2 (ty @(->)) (At (Just tok_l2a) ty_l2a) $ \Refl ty_l2a_l ty_l2a_a ->
153 check_TyEq2 (ty @(->)) (At (Just tok_r2a) ty_r2a) $ \Refl ty_r2a_r ty_r2a_a ->
154 check_TyEq (At (Just tok_l2a) ty_l2a_a) (At (Just tok_r2a) ty_r2a_a) $ \Refl ->
155 k ((ty @Either :$ ty_l2a_l) :$ ty_r2a_r ~> ty_l2a_a) $ Term $
156 \c -> lam $ either (l2a c) (r2a c)
157 instance -- TokenizeT
158 Inj_Token meta ts Either =>
159 TokenizeT meta ts (Proxy Either) where
160 tokenizeT _t = mempty
161 { tokenizers_infix = tokenizeTMod []
162 [ (TeName "Left",) ProTok_Term
163 { protok_term = \meta -> ProTokLam $ \l -> ProTokPi $ \r ->
164 ProTokTe $ inj_EToken meta $ Token_Term_Either_Left r l
165 , protok_fixity = infixN5 }
166 , (TeName "Right",) ProTok_Term
167 { protok_term = \meta -> ProTokPi $ \l -> ProTokLam $ \r ->
168 ProTokTe $ inj_EToken meta $ Token_Term_Either_Right l r
169 , protok_fixity = infixN5 }
170 , tokenize2 "either" infixN5 Token_Term_Either_either
171 ]
172 }
173 instance Gram_Term_AtomsT meta ts (Proxy Either) g