]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic.git/blob - symantic-lib/Language/Symantic/Lib/List.hs
Try the new Type and Term design against the actual needs.
[haskell/symantic.git] / symantic-lib / Language / Symantic / Lib / List.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
2 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
3 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fconstraint-solver-iterations=12 #-}
4 -- | Symantic for '[]'.
5 module Language.Symantic.Lib.List where
7 import Control.Monad (liftM, liftM2, liftM3)
8 import Data.Monoid ((<>))
9 import Data.Proxy
10 import Data.Type.Equality ((:~:)(Refl))
11 import Prelude hiding (zipWith)
12 import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
13 import qualified Data.Function as Fun
14 import qualified Data.Functor as Functor
15 import qualified Data.List as List
16 import qualified Data.MonoTraversable as MT
17 import qualified Data.Sequences as Seqs
18 import qualified Data.Text as Text
19 import qualified Data.Traversable as Traversable
21 import Language.Symantic.Parsing
22 import Language.Symantic.Typing
23 import Language.Symantic.Compiling
24 import Language.Symantic.Interpreting
25 import Language.Symantic.Transforming
26 import Language.Symantic.Lib.Lambda
27 import Language.Symantic.Lib.MonoFunctor (TyFam_MonoElement)
29 -- * Class 'Sym_List'
30 class Sym_List term where
31 list_empty :: term [a]
32 list_singleton :: term a -> term [a]
33 (.:) :: term a -> term [a] -> term [a]; infixr 5 .:
34 list :: [term a] -> term [a]
35 zipWith :: term (a -> b -> c) -> term [a] -> term [b] -> term [c]
37 default list_empty :: Trans t term => t term [a]
38 default list_singleton :: Trans t term => t term a -> t term [a]
39 default (.:) :: Trans t term => t term a -> t term [a] -> t term [a]
40 default list :: Trans t term => [t term a] -> t term [a]
41 default zipWith :: Trans t term => t term (a -> b -> c) -> t term [a] -> t term [b] -> t term [c]
43 list_empty = trans_lift list_empty
44 list_singleton = trans_map1 list_singleton
45 (.:) = trans_map2 (.:)
46 list l = trans_lift (list (trans_apply Functor.<$> l))
47 zipWith = trans_map3 zipWith
49 type instance Sym_of_Iface (Proxy []) = Sym_List
50 type instance TyConsts_of_Iface (Proxy []) = Proxy [] ': TyConsts_imported_by (Proxy [])
51 type instance TyConsts_imported_by (Proxy []) =
52 [ Proxy Applicative
53 , Proxy Bool
54 , Proxy Eq
55 , Proxy Foldable
56 , Proxy Functor
57 , Proxy Monad
58 , Proxy MT.MonoFoldable
59 , Proxy MT.MonoFunctor
60 , Proxy Monoid
61 , Proxy Ord
62 , Proxy Seqs.IsSequence
63 , Proxy Seqs.SemiSequence
64 , Proxy Show
65 , Proxy Traversable
66 ]
68 instance Sym_List HostI where
69 list_empty = return []
70 list_singleton = liftM return
71 (.:) = liftM2 (:)
72 list = Traversable.sequence
73 zipWith = liftM3 List.zipWith
74 instance Sym_List TextI where
75 list_empty = TextI $ \_p _v -> "[]"
76 list_singleton a = textI_infix ":" op a list_empty
77 where op = infixR 5
78 (.:) = textI_infix ":" (infixR 5)
79 list l = TextI $ \_po v ->
80 "[" <> Text.intercalate ", " ((\(TextI a) -> a op v) Functor.<$> l) <> "]"
81 where op = (infixN0, L)
82 zipWith = textI3 "zipWith"
83 instance (Sym_List r1, Sym_List r2) => Sym_List (DupI r1 r2) where
84 list_empty = dupI0 @Sym_List list_empty
85 list_singleton = dupI1 @Sym_List list_singleton
86 (.:) = dupI2 @Sym_List (.:)
87 list l =
88 let (l1, l2) =
89 Foldable.foldr (\(x1 `DupI` x2) (xs1, xs2) ->
90 (x1:xs1, x2:xs2)) ([], []) l in
91 list l1 `DupI` list l2
92 zipWith = dupI3 @Sym_List zipWith
94 instance
95 ( Read_TyNameR TyName cs rs
96 , Inj_TyConst cs []
97 ) => Read_TyNameR TyName cs (Proxy [] ': rs) where
98 read_TyNameR _cs (TyName "[]") k = k (ty @[])
99 read_TyNameR _rs raw k = read_TyNameR (Proxy @rs) raw k
100 instance Show_TyConst cs => Show_TyConst (Proxy [] ': cs) where
101 show_TyConst TyConstZ{} = "[]"
102 show_TyConst (TyConstS c) = show_TyConst c
103 instance Show_TyConst cs => Show_TyConst (Proxy String ': cs) where
104 show_TyConst TyConstZ{} = "String"
105 show_TyConst (TyConstS c) = show_TyConst c
107 instance -- Proj_TyFamC TyFam_MonoElement
108 ( Proj_TyConst cs []
109 ) => Proj_TyFamC cs TyFam_MonoElement [] where
110 proj_TyFamC _c _fam ((TyConst c :$ ty_a) `TypesS` TypesZ)
111 | Just Refl <- eq_SKind (kind_of_TyConst c) (SKiType `SKiArrow` SKiType)
112 , Just Refl <- proj_TyConst c (Proxy @[])
113 = Just ty_a
114 proj_TyFamC _c _fam _ty = Nothing
116 instance -- Proj_TyConC
117 ( Proj_TyConst cs []
118 , Proj_TyConsts cs (TyConsts_imported_by (Proxy []))
119 , Proj_TyCon cs
120 ) => Proj_TyConC cs (Proxy []) where
121 proj_TyConC _ (TyConst q :$ TyConst c)
122 | Just Refl <- eq_SKind (kind_of_TyConst c) (SKiType `SKiArrow` SKiType)
123 , Just Refl <- proj_TyConst c (Proxy @[])
124 = case () of
125 _ | Just Refl <- proj_TyConst q (Proxy @Applicative) -> Just TyCon
126 | Just Refl <- proj_TyConst q (Proxy @Foldable) -> Just TyCon
127 | Just Refl <- proj_TyConst q (Proxy @Functor) -> Just TyCon
128 | Just Refl <- proj_TyConst q (Proxy @Monad) -> Just TyCon
129 | Just Refl <- proj_TyConst q (Proxy @Traversable) -> Just TyCon
130 _ -> Nothing
131 proj_TyConC _ (t@(TyConst q) :$ (TyConst c :$ a))
132 | Just Refl <- eq_SKind (kind_of_TyConst c) (SKiType `SKiArrow` SKiType)
133 , Just Refl <- proj_TyConst c (Proxy @[])
134 = case () of
135 _ | Just Refl <- proj_TyConst q (Proxy @Eq)
136 , Just TyCon <- proj_TyCon (t :$ a) -> Just TyCon
137 | Just Refl <- proj_TyConst q (Proxy @Monoid) -> Just TyCon
138 | Just Refl <- proj_TyConst q (Proxy @Show)
139 , Just TyCon <- proj_TyCon (t :$ a) -> Just TyCon
140 | Just Refl <- proj_TyConst q (Proxy @Ord)
141 , Just TyCon <- proj_TyCon (t :$ a) -> Just TyCon
142 | Just Refl <- proj_TyConst q (Proxy @MT.MonoFoldable) -> Just TyCon
143 | Just Refl <- proj_TyConst q (Proxy @MT.MonoFunctor) -> Just TyCon
144 | Just Refl <- proj_TyConst q (Proxy @Seqs.IsSequence) -> Just TyCon
145 | Just Refl <- proj_TyConst q (Proxy @Seqs.SemiSequence) -> Just TyCon
146 _ -> Nothing
147 proj_TyConC _c _q = Nothing
148 data instance TokenT meta (ts::[*]) (Proxy [])
149 = Token_Term_List_empty (EToken meta '[Proxy Token_Type])
150 | Token_Term_List_cons (EToken meta ts) (EToken meta ts)
151 | Token_Term_List_singleton (EToken meta ts)
152 | Token_Term_List_list (EToken meta '[Proxy Token_Type]) [EToken meta ts]
153 | Token_Term_List_zipWith (EToken meta ts)
154 deriving instance (Eq meta, Eq_Token meta ts) => Eq (TokenT meta ts (Proxy []))
155 deriving instance (Show meta, Show_Token meta ts) => Show (TokenT meta ts (Proxy []))
157 instance -- CompileI
158 ( Read_TyName TyName cs
159 , Inj_TyConst cs []
160 , Inj_TyConst cs (->)
161 , Compile cs is
162 ) => CompileI cs is (Proxy []) where
163 compileI
164 :: forall meta ctx ret ls rs.
165 TokenT meta is (Proxy [])
166 -> Compiler meta ctx ret cs is ls (Proxy [] ': rs)
167 compileI tok ctx k =
168 case tok of
169 Token_Term_List_empty tok_ty_a ->
170 -- [] :: [a]
171 compile_Type tok_ty_a $ \(ty_a::Type cs a) ->
172 check_Kind
173 (At Nothing SKiType)
174 (At (Just tok_ty_a) $ kind_of ty_a) $ \Refl ->
175 k (ty @[] :$ ty_a) $ Term $
176 Fun.const list_empty
177 Token_Term_List_singleton tok_a ->
178 -- [a] :: [a]
179 compile tok_a ctx $ \ty_a (Term a) ->
180 check_Kind
181 (At Nothing SKiType)
182 (At (Just tok_a) $ kind_of ty_a) $ \Refl ->
183 k (ty @[] :$ ty_a) $ Term $
184 \c -> list_singleton (a c)
185 Token_Term_List_cons tok_a tok_as ->
186 compile tok_a ctx $ \ty_a (Term a) ->
187 compile tok_as ctx $ \ty_as (Term as) ->
188 check_TyEq1 (ty @[]) (At (Just tok_as) ty_as) $ \Refl ty_as_a ->
189 check_TyEq (At (Just tok_a) ty_a) (At (Just tok_as) ty_as_a) $ \Refl ->
190 k ty_as $ Term $
191 \c -> a c .: as c
192 Token_Term_List_list tok_ty_a tok_as ->
193 compile_Type tok_ty_a $ \(ty_a::Type cs a) ->
194 check_Kind
195 (At Nothing SKiType)
196 (At (Just tok_ty_a) $ kind_of ty_a) $ \Refl ->
197 go (At (Just tok_ty_a) ty_a) [] tok_as
198 where
199 go :: At meta '[Proxy Token_Type] (Type cs ty_a)
200 -> [Term ctx ty_a is '[] is]
201 -> [EToken meta is]
202 -> Either (Error_Term meta cs is) ret
203 go ty_a as [] =
204 k (ty @[] :$ unAt ty_a) $ Term $
205 \c -> list $ (\(Term a) -> a c)
206 Functor.<$> List.reverse as
207 go ty_a as (tok_x:tok_xs) =
208 compile tok_x ctx $ \ty_x x ->
209 check_Type_is ty_a (At (Just tok_x) ty_x) $ \Refl ->
210 go ty_a (x:as) tok_xs
211 Token_Term_List_zipWith tok_a2b2c ->
212 -- zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
213 compile tok_a2b2c ctx $ \ty_a2b2c (Term a2b2c) ->
214 check_TyEq2 (ty @(->)) (At (Just tok_a2b2c) ty_a2b2c) $ \Refl ty_a2b2c_a ty_a2b2c_b2c ->
215 check_TyEq2 (ty @(->)) (At (Just tok_a2b2c) ty_a2b2c_b2c) $ \Refl ty_a2b2c_b2c_b ty_a2b2c_b2c_c ->
216 k ( ty @[] :$ ty_a2b2c_a
217 ~> ty @[] :$ ty_a2b2c_b2c_b
218 ~> ty @[] :$ ty_a2b2c_b2c_c ) $ Term $
219 \c -> lam $ lam . zipWith (a2b2c c)
220 instance -- TokenizeT
221 Inj_Token meta ts [] =>
222 TokenizeT meta ts (Proxy []) where
223 tokenizeT _t = mempty
224 { tokenizers_infix = tokenizeTMod []
225 [ (TeName "[]",) $ ProTok_Term
226 { protok_term = \meta -> ProTokPi $ \a ->
227 ProTokTe $ inj_EToken meta $ Token_Term_List_empty a
228 , protok_fixity = infixN5
229 }
230 , tokenize2 ":" (infixR 5) Token_Term_List_cons
231 , tokenize1 "zipWith" infixN0 Token_Term_List_zipWith
232 ]
233 }
234 instance
235 ( App g
236 , Gram_Rule g
237 , Gram_Lexer g
238 , Gram_Term ts meta g
239 , Inj_Token meta ts (->)
240 , Inj_Token meta ts []
241 ) => Gram_Term_AtomsT meta ts (Proxy []) g where
242 gs_term_atomsT _t =
243 [ rule "term_list" $
244 ProTokTe <$> between (symbol "[") (symbol "]") listG
245 , rule "term_list_empty" $
246 metaG $
247 (\meta -> ProTokPi $ \a -> ProTokTe $ inj_EToken meta $ Token_Term_List_empty a)
248 <$ symbol "["
249 <* symbol "]"
250 ]
251 where
252 listG :: CF g (EToken meta ts)
253 listG = rule "list" $
254 metaG $
255 (\a mb meta -> inj_EToken meta $ case mb of
256 Just b -> Token_Term_List_cons a b
257 Nothing -> Token_Term_List_singleton a)
258 <$> g_term
259 <*> option Nothing (Just <$ symbol "," <*> listG)