]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic.git/blob - Language/LOL/Symantic/Type/Fun.hs
[haskell/symantic.git] / Language / LOL / Symantic / Type / Fun.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
8 module Language.LOL.Symantic.Type.Fun where
10 import Data.Maybe (isJust)
11 import Data.Type.Equality ((:~:)(Refl))
12 import Data.Proxy
14 import Language.LOL.Symantic.Raw
15 import Language.LOL.Symantic.Type.Common
17 -- * Type 'Type_Fun'
19 -- | The (->) type.
20 data Type_Fun lam root h where
21 Type_Fun :: root h_arg
22 -> root h_res
23 -> Type_Fun lam root (Lambda lam h_arg h_res)
25 type instance Root_of_Type (Type_Fun lam root) = root
26 type instance Error_of_Type raw (Type_Fun lam root) = Error_Type_Fun raw
28 -- | Convenient alias to include a 'Type_Fun' within a type.
29 type_fun
30 :: Type_Root_Lift (Type_Fun lam) root
31 => root h_arg -> root h_res
32 -> root (Lambda lam h_arg h_res)
33 type_fun arg res = type_root_lift (Type_Fun arg res)
35 instance -- Type_Eq
36 Type_Eq root =>
37 Type_Eq (Type_Fun lam root) where
38 type_eq
39 (arg1 `Type_Fun` res1)
40 (arg2 `Type_Fun` res2)
41 | Just Refl <- arg1 `type_eq` arg2
42 , Just Refl <- res1 `type_eq` res2
43 = Just Refl
44 type_eq _ _ = Nothing
45 instance -- Eq
46 Type_Eq root =>
47 Eq (Type_Fun lam root h) where
48 x == y = isJust $ type_eq x y
49 instance -- Type_from Raw
50 ( Type_Eq root
51 , Type_from Raw root
52 , Type_Root_Lift (Type_Fun lam) root
53 , Error_Type_Lift (Error_Type_Fun Raw) (Error_of_Type Raw root)
54 -- NOTE: require UndecidableInstances.
55 , Root_of_Type root ~ root
56 ) => Type_from Raw (Type_Fun lam root) where
57 type_from _px_ty raw@(Raw "->" raws) k =
58 case raws of
59 [raw_arg, raw_res] ->
60 type_from (Proxy::Proxy root) raw_arg $ \(ty_arg::root h_arg) ->
61 type_from (Proxy::Proxy root) raw_res $ \(ty_res::root h_res) ->
62 k (type_root_lift $ ty_arg `Type_Fun` ty_res
63 :: root (Lambda lam h_arg h_res))
64 _ -> Left $ Just $ error_type_lift $
65 Error_Type_Fun_Wrong_number_of_arguments 2 raw
66 type_from _px_ty _raw _k = Left Nothing
67 instance -- String_from_Type
68 String_from_Type root =>
69 String_from_Type (Type_Fun lam root) where
70 string_from_type (arg `Type_Fun` res) =
71 "(" ++ string_from_type arg ++ " -> "
72 ++ string_from_type res ++ ")"
73 instance -- Show
74 String_from_Type root =>
75 Show (Type_Fun lam root h) where
76 show = string_from_type
78 -- ** Type 'Lambda'
80 -- | A type synonym for the host-type function,
81 -- wrapping argument and result within a type constructor @lam@,
82 -- which is used in the 'Repr_Host' instance of 'Sym_Lambda'
83 -- to implement 'val' and 'lazy'.
84 type Lambda lam arg res = lam arg -> lam res
86 -- * Type 'Error_Type_Fun'
88 -- | The 'Error_of_Type' of 'Type_Fun'.
89 data Error_Type_Fun raw
90 = Error_Type_Fun_Wrong_number_of_arguments Int raw
91 deriving (Eq, Show)