]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic.git/blob - Language/Symantic/Expr/Either.hs
explore parsing of partially applied functions
[haskell/symantic.git] / Language / Symantic / Expr / Either.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
8 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
9 -- | Expression for 'Either'.
10 module Language.Symantic.Expr.Either where
12 import Control.Monad
13 import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
14 import Prelude hiding (maybe)
16 import Language.Symantic.Type
17 import Language.Symantic.Repr
18 import Language.Symantic.Trans.Common
19 import Language.Symantic.Expr.Root
20 import Language.Symantic.Expr.Error
21 import Language.Symantic.Expr.From
23 -- * Class 'Sym_Tuple_Lam'
24 -- | Symantic.
25 class Sym_Either repr where
26 left :: repr l -> repr (Either l r)
27 right :: repr r -> repr (Either l r)
28 default left :: Trans t repr => t repr l -> t repr (Either l r)
29 default right :: Trans t repr => t repr r -> t repr (Either l r)
30 left = trans_map1 left
31 right = trans_map1 right
32 instance Sym_Either Repr_Host where
33 right = liftM Right
34 left = liftM Left
35 instance Sym_Either Repr_Text where
36 right = repr_text_app1 "right"
37 left = repr_text_app1 "left"
38 instance (Sym_Either r1, Sym_Either r2) => Sym_Either (Repr_Dup r1 r2) where
39 left (l1 `Repr_Dup` l2) = left l1 `Repr_Dup` left l2
40 right (r1 `Repr_Dup` r2) = right r1 `Repr_Dup` right r2
42 -- * Type 'Expr_Either'
43 -- | Expression.
44 data Expr_Either (root:: *)
45 type instance Root_of_Expr (Expr_Either root) = root
46 type instance Type_of_Expr (Expr_Either root) = Type_Either
47 type instance Sym_of_Expr (Expr_Either root) repr = (Sym_Either repr)
48 type instance Error_of_Expr ast (Expr_Either root) = No_Error_Expr
50 -- | Parsing utility to check that the given type is a 'Type_Either'
51 -- or raise 'Error_Expr_Type_mismatch'.
52 check_type_either
53 :: forall ast ex root ty h ret.
54 ( root ~ Root_of_Expr ex
55 , ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr ex
56 , Type0_Lift Type_Either (Type_of_Expr root)
57 , Type0_Unlift Type_Either (Type_of_Expr root)
58 , Error_Expr_Lift (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast)
59 (Error_of_Expr ast root)
60 )
61 => Proxy ex -> ast -> ty h
62 -> (Type_Either ty h -> Either (Error_of_Expr ast root) ret)
63 -> Either (Error_of_Expr ast root) ret
64 check_type_either ex ast ty k =
65 case type0_unlift $ unType_Root ty of
66 Just ty_e -> k ty_e
67 Nothing -> Left $
68 error_expr ex $
69 Error_Expr_Type_mismatch ast
70 (Exists_Type0 (type_either (type_var0 SZero) (type_var0 $ SSucc SZero)
71 :: ty (Either Var0 Var0)))
72 (Exists_Type0 ty)
74 -- | Parse 'left'.
75 left_from
76 :: forall root ty ast hs ret.
77 ( ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr (Expr_Either root)
78 , Type0_From ast ty
79 , Type0_Eq ty
80 , Expr_From ast root
81 , Type0_Lift Type_Either (Type_of_Expr root)
82 , Type0_Unlift Type_Either (Type_of_Expr root)
83 , Error_Expr_Lift (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast)
84 (Error_of_Expr ast root)
85 , Root_of_Expr root ~ root
86 ) => ast -> ast
87 -> ExprFrom ast (Expr_Either root) hs ret
88 left_from ast_ty_r ast_l ex ast ctx k =
89 either (\err -> Left $ error_expr ex $ Error_Expr_Type err ast) id $
90 type0_from (Proxy::Proxy ty) ast_ty_r $ \ty_r -> Right $
91 expr_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_l ctx $
92 \(ty_l::ty h_l) (Forall_Repr_with_Context l) ->
93 k (type_either ty_l ty_r) $ Forall_Repr_with_Context $
94 \c -> left (l c)
96 -- | Parse 'right'.
97 right_from
98 :: forall root ty ast hs ret.
99 ( ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr (Expr_Either root)
100 , Type0_From ast ty
101 , Type0_Eq ty
102 , Expr_From ast root
103 , Type0_Lift Type_Either (Type_of_Expr root)
104 , Type0_Unlift Type_Either (Type_of_Expr root)
105 , Error_Expr_Lift (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast)
106 (Error_of_Expr ast root)
107 , Root_of_Expr root ~ root
108 ) => ast -> ast
109 -> ExprFrom ast (Expr_Either root) hs ret
110 right_from ast_ty_l ast_r ex ast ctx k =
111 either (\err -> Left $ error_expr ex $ Error_Expr_Type err ast) id $
112 type0_from (Proxy::Proxy ty) ast_ty_l $ \ty_l -> Right $
113 expr_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_r ctx $
114 \(ty_r::ty h_r) (Forall_Repr_with_Context r) ->
115 k (type_either ty_l ty_r) $ Forall_Repr_with_Context $
116 \c -> right (r c)