]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/treemap.git/blob - Data/TreeMap/Strict/Zipper.hs
Add Ord deriving.
[haskell/treemap.git] / Data / TreeMap / Strict / Zipper.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
3 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-tabs #-}
5 module Data.TreeMap.Strict.Zipper where
7 import Control.Monad (Monad(..), (>=>))
8 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), Alternative(..))
9 import Data.Bool (Bool)
10 import Data.Data (Data)
11 import Data.Eq (Eq)
12 import Data.Function (($), (.))
13 import Data.Functor ((<$>))
14 import Data.Int (Int)
15 import qualified Data.List as List
16 import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
17 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
18 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe, maybeToList)
19 import Data.Ord (Ord(..))
20 import Data.Tuple (fst)
21 import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
22 import Text.Show (Show(..))
24 import Data.TreeMap.Strict (TreeMap(..))
25 import qualified Data.TreeMap.Strict as TreeMap
27 -- * Type 'Zipper'
29 data Zipper k a
30 = Zipper
31 { zipper_path :: [Zipper_Step k a]
32 , zipper_curr :: TreeMap k a
33 } deriving (Data, Eq, Show, Typeable)
35 zipper :: TreeMap k a -> Zipper k a
36 zipper = Zipper []
38 zipper_root :: Ord k => Zipper k a -> TreeMap k a
39 zipper_root = zipper_curr . List.last . zipper_ancestor_or_self
41 path_of_zipper :: Zipper k x -> [k]
42 path_of_zipper z =
43 fst . zipper_step_self <$>
44 List.reverse (zipper_path z)
46 -- * Type 'Zipper_Step'
48 data Zipper_Step k a
49 = Zipper_Step
50 { zipper_step_prec :: TreeMap k a
51 , zipper_step_self :: (k, TreeMap.Node k a)
52 , zipper_step_foll :: TreeMap k a
53 } deriving (Data, Eq, Show, Typeable)
55 -- * Axis
57 -- | Collect all 'Zipper's along a given axis,
58 -- including the first 'Zipper'.
59 zipper_collect :: (z -> Maybe z) -> z -> [z]
60 zipper_collect f z = z : maybe [] (zipper_collect f) (f z)
62 -- | Collect all 'Zipper's along a given axis,
63 -- excluding the first 'Zipper'.
64 zipper_collect_without_self :: (z -> Maybe z) -> z -> [z]
65 zipper_collect_without_self f z = maybe [] (zipper_collect f) (f z)
67 -- ** Axis self
69 zipper_self :: Zipper k a -> TreeMap.Node k a
70 zipper_self z =
71 case z of
72 Zipper{ zipper_path=
73 Zipper_Step{zipper_step_self=(_, nod)}
74 : _ } -> nod
75 _ -> TreeMap.node_empty
77 -- ** Axis child
79 zipper_child :: Ord k => Zipper k a -> [Zipper k a]
80 zipper_child z =
81 maybeToList (zipper_child_first z)
82 >>= zipper_collect zipper_foll
84 zipper_child_lookup
85 :: (Ord k, Alternative f)
86 => k -> Zipper k a -> f (Zipper k a)
87 zipper_child_lookup k (Zipper path (TreeMap m)) =
88 case Map.splitLookup k m of
89 (_, Nothing, _) -> empty
90 (ps, Just s, fs) ->
91 pure Zipper
92 { zipper_path = Zipper_Step (TreeMap ps) (k, s) (TreeMap fs) : path
93 , zipper_curr = TreeMap.node_descendants s
94 }
96 zipper_child_first :: Alternative f => Zipper k a -> f (Zipper k a)
97 zipper_child_first (Zipper path (TreeMap m)) =
98 case Map.minViewWithKey m of
99 Nothing -> empty
100 Just ((k', s'), fs') ->
101 pure Zipper
102 { zipper_path = Zipper_Step TreeMap.empty (k', s') (TreeMap fs') : path
103 , zipper_curr = TreeMap.node_descendants s'
104 }
106 zipper_child_last :: Alternative f => Zipper k a -> f (Zipper k a)
107 zipper_child_last (Zipper path (TreeMap m)) =
108 case Map.maxViewWithKey m of
109 Nothing -> empty
110 Just ((k', s'), ps') ->
111 pure Zipper
112 { zipper_path = Zipper_Step (TreeMap ps') (k', s') TreeMap.empty : path
113 , zipper_curr = TreeMap.node_descendants s'
114 }
116 -- ** Axis ancestor
118 zipper_ancestor :: Ord k => Zipper k a -> [Zipper k a]
119 zipper_ancestor = zipper_collect_without_self zipper_parent
121 zipper_ancestor_or_self :: Ord k => Zipper k a -> [Zipper k a]
122 zipper_ancestor_or_self = zipper_collect zipper_parent
124 -- ** Axis descendant
126 zipper_descendant_or_self :: Ord k => Zipper k a -> [Zipper k a]
127 zipper_descendant_or_self =
128 collect_child []
129 where
130 collect_child acc z =
131 z : maybe acc
132 (collect_foll acc)
133 (zipper_child_first z)
134 collect_foll acc z =
135 collect_child
136 (maybe acc
137 (collect_foll acc)
138 (zipper_foll z)
139 ) z
141 zipper_descendant_or_self_reverse :: Ord k => Zipper k a -> [Zipper k a]
142 zipper_descendant_or_self_reverse z =
143 z : List.concatMap
144 zipper_descendant_or_self_reverse
145 (List.reverse $ zipper_child z)
147 zipper_descendant :: Ord k => Zipper k a -> [Zipper k a]
148 zipper_descendant = List.tail . zipper_descendant_or_self
150 zipper_descendant_lookup
151 :: (Ord k, Alternative f, Monad f)
152 => TreeMap.Path k -> Zipper k a -> f (Zipper k a)
153 zipper_descendant_lookup (k:|ks) =
154 case ks of
155 [] -> zipper_child_lookup k
156 k':ks' -> zipper_child_lookup k >=> zipper_descendant_lookup (k':|ks')
158 -- ** Axis preceding
160 zipper_prec :: (Ord k, Alternative f) => Zipper k a -> f (Zipper k a)
161 zipper_prec (Zipper path _curr) =
162 case path of
163 [] -> empty
164 Zipper_Step (TreeMap ps) (k, s) (TreeMap fs):steps ->
165 case Map.maxViewWithKey ps of
166 Nothing -> empty
167 Just ((k', s'), ps') ->
168 pure Zipper
169 { zipper_path = Zipper_Step (TreeMap ps')
170 (k', s')
171 (TreeMap $ Map.insert k s fs)
172 : steps
173 , zipper_curr = TreeMap.node_descendants s'
174 }
176 zipper_preceding :: Ord k => Zipper k a -> [Zipper k a]
177 zipper_preceding =
178 zipper_ancestor_or_self >=>
179 zipper_preceding_sibling >=>
180 zipper_descendant_or_self_reverse
182 zipper_preceding_sibling :: Ord k => Zipper k a -> [Zipper k a]
183 zipper_preceding_sibling = zipper_collect_without_self zipper_prec
185 -- ** Axis following
187 zipper_foll :: (Ord k, Alternative f) => Zipper k a -> f (Zipper k a)
188 zipper_foll (Zipper path _curr) =
189 case path of
190 [] -> empty
191 Zipper_Step (TreeMap ps) (k, s) (TreeMap fs):steps ->
192 case Map.minViewWithKey fs of
193 Nothing -> empty
194 Just ((k', s'), fs') ->
195 pure Zipper
196 { zipper_path = Zipper_Step (TreeMap $ Map.insert k s ps)
197 (k', s')
198 (TreeMap fs')
199 : steps
200 , zipper_curr = TreeMap.node_descendants s'
201 }
203 zipper_following :: Ord k => Zipper k a -> [Zipper k a]
204 zipper_following =
205 zipper_ancestor_or_self >=>
206 zipper_following_sibling >=>
207 zipper_descendant_or_self
209 zipper_following_sibling :: Ord k => Zipper k a -> [Zipper k a]
210 zipper_following_sibling = zipper_collect_without_self zipper_foll
212 -- ** Axis parent
214 zipper_parent :: (Ord k, Alternative f) => Zipper k a -> f (Zipper k a)
215 zipper_parent (Zipper path curr) =
216 case path of
217 [] -> empty
218 Zipper_Step (TreeMap ps) (k, s) (TreeMap fs):steps ->
219 let nod = TreeMap.node (TreeMap.node_value s) curr in
220 pure Zipper
221 { zipper_path = steps
222 , zipper_curr = TreeMap $ Map.union ps $ Map.insert k nod fs
223 }
225 -- ** Filter
227 zipper_filter
228 :: (Zipper k a -> [Zipper k a])
229 -> (Zipper k a -> Bool)
230 -> (Zipper k a -> [Zipper k a])
231 zipper_filter axis p z = List.filter p (axis z)
232 infixl 5 `zipper_filter`
234 zipper_at :: Alternative f
235 => (Zipper k a -> [Zipper k a]) -> Int
236 -> (Zipper k a -> f (Zipper k a))
237 zipper_at axis n z = case List.drop n (axis z) of {[] -> empty; a:_ -> pure a}
238 infixl 5 `zipper_at`
240 zipper_null
241 :: (Zipper k a -> [Zipper k a])
242 -> Zipper k a -> Bool
243 zipper_null axis = List.null . axis