]> Git — Sourcephile - julm/julm-nix.git/blob - hosts/pumpkin/syncoid.nix
aubergine: share printer and scanner over the network
[julm/julm-nix.git] / hosts / pumpkin / syncoid.nix
1 { pkgs, lib, config, inputs, hostName, ... }:
2 let
3 inherit (config.users) users;
4 pumpkin2off2 = conf: lib.mapAttrs (_n: v: lib.recursiveUpdate v conf) {
5 "pumpkin/root" = let targetHost = "aubergine.local"; in {
6 target = "backup@${targetHost}:off2/julm/backup/pumpkin";
7 sendOptions = "raw";
8 recursive = true;
9 extraArgs = [
10 "--create-bookmark" "--no-sync-snap" "--no-privilege-elevation"
11 "--preserve-properties" "--preserve-recordsize"
12 "--recursive" "--sendoptions=w" "--recvoptions=u"
13 "--exclude" "pumpkin/root/nix"
14 "--exclude" "pumpkin/root/var/cache"
15 "--exclude" "pumpkin/root/var/log"
16 "--exclude" "pumpkin/root/home/julm/.cache"
17 "--sshconfig" "${pkgs.writeText "ssh-config" ''
18 Host *
19 Ciphers aes128-gcm@openssh.com
20 Compression no
21 StrictHostKeyChecking yes
22 UserKnownHostsFile ${pkgs.writeText "known_hosts" ''
23 ${targetHost} ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIN/cT/L3dF7uoR3s7NB59NiKjuk35I6x+7MK5zhwOy6k
24 ''}
25 ''}"
26 ];
27 };
28 };
29 in
30 {
31 networking.nftables.ruleset = lib.mkAfter ''
32 table inet filter {
33 chain output-net {
34 skuid @nixos_syncoid_uids \
35 meta l4proto tcp \
36 counter accept \
37 comment "syncoid: SSH"
38 }
39 }
40 '';
41 systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [
42 "z /dev/zfs 0660 - ${config.users.groups."disk".name} -"
43 ];
44 # ExplanationNote: give access to /var/run/avahi-daemon/socket
45 # Using /var/run is not working due to RootDirectoryStartOnly=true
46 systemd.services.syncoid-pumpkin-root.serviceConfig.BindReadOnlyPaths = [ "/var/run" ];
47 systemd.services.syncoid-pumpkin-root.serviceConfig.RootDirectoryStartOnly = lib.mkForce false;
48 services.syncoid = {
49 enable = true;
50 interval = "*-*-* *:05:00";
51 #interval = "*:0/1";
52 sshKey = "ssh.key:${syncoid/ssh.key.cred}";
53 commonArgs = [
54 #"--debug"
55 "--no-sync-snap"
56 "--create-bookmark"
57 #"--no-privilege-elevation"
58 #"--no-stream"
59 #"--preserve-recordsize"
60 #"--preserve-properties"
61 ];
62 service = {
63 serviceConfig.Group = config.users.groups."disk".name;
64 };
65 commands = { }
66 // pumpkin2off2 { }
67 ;
68 };
69 }