]> Git — Sourcephile - julm/rezine-rfcs.git/blob - refs/négociation.json
p1: clarifications
[julm/rezine-rfcs.git] / refs / négociation.json
1 [
2 {
3 "id": "LichtenbergerNégociation",
4 "title": "Négociation sociale et construction d'acteurs complexes. Éloge du conflit et du compromis",
5 "container-title": "Négociations",
6 "type": "article-journal",
7 "DOI": "10.3917/neg.020.0005",
8 "ISSN": "9782804185657",
9 "URL": "https://www.cairn.info/revue-negociations-2013-2-page-5.htm",
10 "author": [
11 {
12 "family": "Lichtenberger",
13 "given": "Yves"
14 }
15 ],
16 "issue": "2",
17 "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ 2013 ] ] },
18 "language": "FR",
19 "page": "5-18",
20 "publisher": "De Boeck Supérieur",
21 "volume": "20"
22 },
23 {
24 "id": "MermetNégociation",
25 "title": "La négociation comme mode de composition dans les systèmes d'action complexes",
26 "type": "article-journal",
27 "DOI": "10.3917/neg.012.0119",
28 "ISSN": "9782804102906",
29 "URL": "https://www.cairn.info/revue-negociations-2009-2-page-119.htm",
30 "author": [
31 {
32 "family": "Mermet",
33 "given": "Laurent"
34 }
35 ],
36 "container-title": "Négociations",
37 "issue": "2",
38 "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ 2009 ] ] },
39 "language": "FR",
40 "page": "119-130",
41 "publisher": "De Boeck Supérieur",
42 "volume": "12"
43 },
44 {
45 "id": "MermetConcertationsNégociations",
46 "title": "Concertations orchestrées ou négociations décisives ?",
47 "container-title": "Programme « Concertation, Décision et Environnement »",
48 "volume-title": "Moments et modes de recherche d’accord sur les projets d’infrastructure qui mettent en jeu l’environnement et les ressources naturelles",
49 "type": "report",
50 "URL": "https://laurentmermet.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/MermetBarragesFinalTomeI-1.pdf",
51 "author": [
52 {
53 "family": "Mermet",
54 "given": "Laurent"
55 },
56 { "family": "Charnay",
57 "given": "Bérengère"
58 },
59 { "family": "Dubien",
60 "given": "Isabelle"
61 },
62 { "family": "Emerit",
63 "given": "Alexandre"
64 },
65 { "family": "Laurans",
66 "given": "Yann"
67 },
68 { "family": "Maestracci",
69 "given": "Sylvain"
70 },
71 { "family": "Petrucci",
72 "given": "Franck"
73 }
74 ],
75 "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ 2005 ] ] },
76 "language": "FR",
77 "authority": "Ministère de l'Écologie et du Développement Durable",
78 "division": "ENGREF",
79 "volume": "1"
80 },
81 {
82 "id": "MermetToolsForWhatTrade",
83 "title-short": "Tools for what trade?",
84 "title": "Tools for what trade? Analysing the Utilisation of Economic Instruments and Valuations in Biodiversity Management",
85 "type": "report",
86 "ISSN": "2105-553X",
87 "URL": "https://www.afd.fr/sites/afd/files/imported-files/25-VA-A-Savoir.pdf",
88 "author": [
89 {
90 "family": "Mermet",
91 "given": "Laurent"
92 },
93 { "family": "Laurans",
94 "given": "Yann"
95 },
96 { "family": "Leménager",
97 "given": "Tiphaine"
98 }
99 ],
100 "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ 2014 ] ] },
101 "language": "EN",
102 "authority": "Agence française de développement",
103 "volume": "25",
104 "collection-title": "To Know"
105 },
106 {
107 "id": "ZartmanMultilatéralité",
108 "title": "La multilatéralité internationale. Essai de modélisation",
109 "type": "article-journal",
110 "DOI": "10.3917/neg.017.0037",
111 "ISSN": "9782804169749",
112 "URL": "https://www.cairn.info/revue-negociations-2012-1-page-37.htm",
113 "author": [
114 {
115 "family": "Zartman",
116 "given": "I. William"
117 }
118 ],
119 "container-title": "Négociations",
120 "issue": "1",
121 "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ 2012 ] ] },
122 "language": "FR",
123 "page": "37-50",
124 "publisher": "De Boeck Supérieur",
125 "volume": "17"
126 },
127 {
128 "id": "GrésyCommentLesNégociateursRéussissent",
129 "title": "Comment les négociateurs réussissent. Retrouvez les aptitudes de l'enfance !",
130 "title-short": "Comment les négociateurs réussissent",
131 "type": "book",
132 "ISBN": "9782807315921",
133 "URL": "https://www.deboecksuperieur.com/ouvrage/9782807315921-comment-les-negociateurs-reussissent",
134 "author": [
135 {
136 "family": "Grésy",
137 "given": "Jean-Édouard"
138 },
139 {
140 "family": "Ohana",
141 "given": "Julien"
142 },
143 {
144 "family": "Pérez Nückel",
145 "given": "Ricardo"
146 }
147 ],
148 "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ 2017 ] ] },
149 "collection": "Le management en pratique"
150 },
151 {
152 "id": "LempereurColsonMéthodeDeNégociation",
153 "title": "Méthode de négociation : On ne naît pas bon négociateur, on le devient",
154 "title-short": "Méthode de négociation",
155 "type": "book",
156 "ISBN": "978-21-0084-550-7",
157 "author": [
158 {
159 "family": "Lempereur",
160 "given": "Alain"
161 },
162 {
163 "family": "Colson",
164 "given": "Aurélien"
165 }
166 ],
167 "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ 2022 ] ] },
168 "publisher": "Dunod",
169 "volume": "1"
170 },
171 {
172 "id": "LempereurEtAlMediation",
173 "title": "Mediation: Negotiation by Other Moves",
174 "title-short": "Mediation",
175 "ISBN": "978-11-1980-535-9",
176 "author": [
177 {
178 "family": "Lempereur",
179 "given": "Alain"
180 },
181 {
182 "family": "Salzer",
183 "given": "Jacques"
184 },
185 {
186 "family": "Colson",
187 "given": "Aurelien"
188 },
189 {
190 "family": "Pekar",
191 "given": "Michele"
192 },
193 {
194 "family": "Kogan",
195 "given": "Eugene B."
196 }
197 ],
198 "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ 2021 ] ] },
199 "publisher": "John Wiley & Sons",
200 "type": "book",
201 "volume": "1"
202 },
203 {
204 "id": "DupontCoopererOuSaffronter",
205 "title": "Coopérer pour s'entendre ou s'affronter pour vaincre ?",
206 "type": "article-journal",
207 "DOI": "10.3917/neg.005.0093",
208 "ISSN": "2804151409",
209 "URL": "https://www.cairn.info/revue-negociations-2006-1-page-93.htm",
210 "author": [
211 {
212 "family": "Dupont",
213 "given": "Christophe"
214 }
215 ],
216 "container-title": "Négociations",
217 "issue": "1",
218 "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ 2006 ] ] },
219 "language": "FR",
220 "page": "93-114",
221 "publisher": "De Boeck Supérieur",
222 "volume": "5"
223 },
224 {
225 "id": "DupontNégociationPostModerne",
226 "title": "La Négociation post-moderne : Bilan des connaissances, acquis et lacunes, perspectives",
227 "title-short": "La Négociation post-moderne",
228 "type": "book",
229 "ISBN": "9782748333701",
230 "author": [
231 {
232 "family": "Dupont",
233 "given": "Christophe"
234 }
235 ],
236 "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ 2006 ] ] },
237 "language": "FR",
238 "publisher": "Publibook",
239 "review": [
240 "https://www.cairn.info/revue-negociations-2008-1-page-127.htm"
241 ]
242 },
243 {
244 "id": "DupontNégociableEtNonNégociable",
245 "title": "Le « négociable » et le « non-négociable ». Différenciation et typologie",
246 "title-short": "Le « négociable » et le « non-négociable »",
247 "type": "article-journal",
248 "DOI": "10.3166/rfg.153.29-44",
249 "URL": "https://www.cairn.info/revue-francaise-de-gestion-2004-6-page-29.htm",
250 "author": [
251 {
252 "family": "Dupont",
253 "given": "Christophe"
254 }
255 ],
256 "container-title": "Revue française de gestion",
257 "issue": "6",
258 "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ 2004 ] ] },
259 "language": "FR",
260 "page": "29-44",
261 "publisher": "Lavoisier",
262 "volume": "153"
263 },
264 {
265 "id": "RoyBarrySaundersEssentialsOfNegotiation",
266 "title": "Essentials of Negotiation",
267 "type": "book",
268 "ISBN": "978-98-1457-727-4",
269 "author": [
270 {
271 "family": "Lewicki",
272 "given": "Roy J."
273 },
274 {
275 "family": "Barry",
276 "given": "Bruce"
277 },
278 {
279 "family": "Saunders",
280 "given": "David M."
281 }
282 ],
283 "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ 2016 ] ] },
284 "publisher": "McGraw-Hill Education",
285 "volume": "1"
286 }
287 ]