]> Git — Sourcephile - sourcephile-nix.git/blob - machines/losurdo/networking/nftables.nix
nftables: allow gemini output
[sourcephile-nix.git] / machines / losurdo / networking / nftables.nix
1 { pkgs, lib, config, machines, ... }:
2 let
3 inherit (builtins) hasAttr readFile;
4 inherit (pkgs.lib) unlinesAttrs;
5 inherit (config) networking;
6 inherit (config.users) users groups;
7 in
8 {
9 networking.firewall.enable = false;
10 security.lockKernelModules = false;
11 systemd.services.disable-kernel-module-loading.after = [ "nftables.service" ];
12 systemd.services.nftables.serviceConfig.TimeoutStartSec = "20";
13 networking.nftables = {
14 enable = true;
15 ruleset = lib.mkBefore ''
16 table inet filter {
17 # A set containing the udp port(s) to which SSDP replies are allowed.
18 set ssdp_out {
19 type inet_service
20 timeout 5s
21 }
22 set lograte4 { type ipv4_addr; size 65535; flags dynamic; }
23 set lograte6 { type ipv6_addr; size 65535; flags dynamic; }
24 chain block {
25 add @lograte4 { ip saddr limit rate 1/minute } log level warn prefix "block: "
26 add @lograte6 { ip6 saddr limit rate 1/minute } log level warn prefix "block: "
27 counter drop
28 }
29 chain ping-flood {
30 add @lograte4 { ip saddr limit rate 1/minute } log level warn prefix "ping-flood: "
31 add @lograte6 { ip6 saddr limit rate 1/minute } log level warn prefix "ping-flood: "
32 counter drop
33 }
34 chain smurf {
35 add @lograte4 { ip saddr limit rate 1/minute } log level warn prefix "smurf: "
36 add @lograte6 { ip6 saddr limit rate 1/minute } log level warn prefix "smurf: "
37 counter drop
38 }
39 chain bogus-tcp {
40 add @lograte4 { ip saddr limit rate 1/minute } log level warn prefix "bogus-tcp: "
41 add @lograte6 { ip6 saddr limit rate 1/minute } log level warn prefix "bogus-tcp: "
42 counter drop
43 }
44 chain syn-flood {
45 add @lograte4 { ip saddr limit rate 1/minute } log level warn prefix "syn-flood: "
46 add @lograte6 { ip6 saddr limit rate 1/minute } log level warn prefix "syn-flood: "
47 counter drop
48 }
49 chain check-tcp {
50 tcp flags syn tcp option maxseg size != 536-65535 counter goto bogus-tcp
51 tcp flags & (ack|fin) == fin counter goto bogus-tcp
52 tcp flags & (ack|psh) == psh counter goto bogus-tcp
53 tcp flags & (ack|urg) == urg counter goto bogus-tcp
54 tcp flags & (fin|ack) == fin counter goto bogus-tcp
55 tcp flags & (fin|rst) == (fin|rst) counter goto bogus-tcp
56 tcp flags & (fin|psh|ack) == (fin|psh) counter goto bogus-tcp
57 tcp flags & (syn|fin) == (syn|fin) counter goto bogus-tcp comment "SYN-FIN scan"
58 tcp flags & (syn|rst) == (syn|rst) counter goto bogus-tcp comment "SYN-RST scan"
59 tcp flags == (fin|syn|rst|psh|ack|urg) counter goto bogus-tcp comment "XMAS scan"
60 tcp flags == 0x0 counter goto bogus-tcp comment "NULL scan"
61 tcp flags == (fin|urg|psh) counter goto bogus-tcp
62 tcp flags == (fin|urg|psh|syn) counter goto bogus-tcp comment "NMAP-ID"
63 tcp flags == (fin|urg|syn|rst|ack) counter goto bogus-tcp
65 ct state new tcp flags != syn counter goto bogus-tcp
66 tcp sport 0 tcp flags & (fin|syn|rst|ack) == syn counter goto bogus-tcp
67 tcp flags & (fin|syn|rst|ack) == syn counter limit rate over 30/second burst 60 packets goto syn-flood
68 }
69 chain net2fw {
70 #udp dport mdns ip6 daddr ff02::fb counter accept comment "Accept mDNS"
71 #udp dport mdns ip daddr counter accept comment "Accept mDNS"
72 #jump non-internet
74 #ct state new add @connlimit { ip saddr ct count over 20 } counter tcp reject with tcp reset
76 # Some .nix append rules here with: add rule inet filter net2fw ...
77 }
78 chain fw2net {
79 tcp dport { 80, 443 } counter accept comment "HTTP"
80 udp dport 123 skuid ${users.systemd-timesync.name} counter accept comment "NTP"
81 tcp dport 1965 counter accept comment "Gemini"
82 tcp dport 9418 counter accept comment "Git"
84 # Some .nix append rules here with: add rule inet filter fw2net ...
85 }
86 chain intra2fw {
87 # Some .nix append rules here with: add rule inet filter intra2fw ...
88 }
89 chain fw2intra {
90 # Some .nix append rules here with: add rule inet filter fw2intra ...
91 }
92 chain fwd-intra {
93 # Some .nix append rules here with: add rule inet filter fwd-intra ...
94 }
95 chain extra2fw {
96 # Some .nix append rules here with: add rule inet filter extra2fw ...
97 }
98 chain accept-icmpv6 {
99 # Traffic That Must Not Be Dropped
100 # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4890#section-4.4.1
101 icmpv6 type destination-unreachable counter accept
102 icmpv6 type packet-too-big counter accept
103 icmpv6 type time-exceeded counter accept
104 icmpv6 type parameter-problem counter accept
106 # Address Configuration and Router Selection messages
107 # (must be received with hop limit = 255)
108 icmpv6 type nd-router-solicit ip6 hoplimit 255 counter accept
109 ip6 nexthdr ipv6-icmp icmpv6 type nd-router-advert ip6 hoplimit 255 counter accept
110 icmpv6 type nd-neighbor-solicit ip6 hoplimit 255 counter accept
111 icmpv6 type nd-neighbor-advert ip6 hoplimit 255 counter accept
112 icmpv6 type nd-redirect ip6 hoplimit 255 log level warn prefix "icmpv6: nd-redirect: " counter drop
113 icmpv6 type ind-neighbor-solicit ip6 hoplimit 255 counter accept
114 icmpv6 type ind-neighbor-advert ip6 hoplimit 255 counter accept
116 # Link-local multicast receiver notification messages
117 # (must have link-local source address)
118 icmpv6 type mld-listener-query ip6 saddr fe80::/10 counter accept
119 icmpv6 type mld-listener-report ip6 saddr fe80::/10 counter accept
120 icmpv6 type mld-listener-done ip6 saddr fe80::/10 counter accept
121 # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3810 Multicast Listener Discovery Version 2 (MLDv2) for IPv6
122 icmpv6 type mld2-listener-report ip6 saddr fe80::/10 counter accept
124 # SEND Certificate Path notification messages
125 # (must be received with hop limit = 255)
126 icmpv6 type 148 ip6 hoplimit 255 counter accept comment "certificate-path-solicitation"
127 icmpv6 type 149 ip6 hoplimit 255 counter accept comment "certificate-path-advertisement"
129 # Multicast Router Discovery messages
130 # (must have link-local source address and hop limit = 1)
131 icmpv6 type 151 ip6 saddr fe80::/10 ip6 hoplimit 1 counter accept comment "multicast-router-advertisement"
132 icmpv6 type 152 ip6 saddr fe80::/10 ip6 hoplimit 1 counter accept comment "multicast-router-solicitation"
133 icmpv6 type 153 ip6 saddr fe80::/10 ip6 hoplimit 1 counter accept comment "multicast-router-termination"
134 }
136 chain input {
137 type filter hook input priority filter
138 policy drop
140 iifname lo accept
142 jump check-tcp
144 ct state { established, related } accept
146 # Connectivity checking messages
147 # (multicast) ping
148 ip protocol icmp icmp type echo-reply counter accept
150 ${lib.optionalString networking.enableIPv6 ''
151 # drop packets with rh0 headers
152 rt type 0 jump block
153 rt type 0 jump block
154 rt type 0 jump block
156 # (multicast) ping
157 ip6 nexthdr ipv6-icmp icmpv6 type echo-reply counter accept
159 #ip6 daddr fe80::/64 udp dport 546 counter accept comment "DHCPv6"
160 ''}
162 ct state invalid counter drop
164 ip protocol icmp icmp type destination-unreachable counter accept
165 ip protocol icmp icmp type time-exceeded counter accept
166 ip protocol icmp icmp type parameter-problem counter accept
167 ip protocol icmp icmp type echo-request limit rate over 10/second burst 20 packets goto ping-flood
168 ip protocol icmp icmp type echo-request counter accept
169 # echo-reply is handled before invalid packets to allow multicast ping
170 # which do not have an associated connection.
172 #ip daddr udp dport 5353 counter accept comment "mDNS"
173 #ip saddr counter accept comment "DHCP"
174 #ip udp sport 67 udp dport 68 counter accept comment "DHCP"
176 ${lib.optionalString networking.enableIPv6 ''
177 ip6 nexthdr ipv6-icmp jump accept-icmpv6
179 # Connectivity checking messages
180 icmpv6 type echo-request counter accept
181 # echo-reply is handled before invalid because of multicast
183 ip6 nexthdr ipv6-icmp log level err prefix "net2fw: icmpv6: catch all: " counter reject
185 ip6 daddr ff02::fb udp dport 5353 counter accept comment "mDNS"
186 ''}
188 ip saddr counter goto smurf
189 fib saddr type broadcast counter goto smurf
191 # admin services
192 tcp dport 22 counter accept comment "SSH"
193 udp dport 60000-61000 counter accept comment "Mosh"
195 # Some .nix append gotos here with: add rule inet filter input iffname ... goto ...
196 }
197 chain forward {
198 type filter hook forward priority filter
199 policy drop
201 ct state { related, established } accept
203 ip protocol icmp icmp type destination-unreachable counter accept
204 ip protocol icmp icmp type time-exceeded counter accept
205 ip protocol icmp icmp type parameter-problem counter accept
206 ip protocol icmp icmp type echo-request counter accept
208 ${lib.optionalString networking.enableIPv6 ''
209 # Traffic That Must Not Be Dropped
210 # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4890#section-4.3.1
211 ip6 nexthdr ipv6-icmp icmpv6 type destination-unreachable counter accept
212 ip6 nexthdr ipv6-icmp icmpv6 type packet-too-big counter accept
213 ip6 nexthdr ipv6-icmp icmpv6 type time-exceeded counter accept
214 ip6 nexthdr ipv6-icmp icmpv6 type parameter-problem counter accept
216 # Connectivity checking messages
217 ip6 nexthdr ipv6-icmp icmpv6 type echo-request counter accept
218 ip6 nexthdr ipv6-icmp icmpv6 type echo-reply counter accept
220 # Traffic That Normally Should Not Be Dropped
221 # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4890#section-4.3.2
222 ip6 nexthdr ipv6-icmp icmpv6 type 144 counter accept comment "home-agent-address-discovery-request"
223 ip6 nexthdr ipv6-icmp icmpv6 type 145 counter accept comment "home-agent-address-discovery-reply"
224 ip6 nexthdr ipv6-icmp icmpv6 type 146 counter accept comment "mobile-prefix-solicitation"
225 ip6 nexthdr ipv6-icmp icmpv6 type 147 counter accept comment "mobile-prefix-advertisement"
226 ''}
227 }
228 chain output {
229 type filter hook output priority filter
230 policy drop
232 oifname lo accept
234 ct state { related, established } accept
236 ip protocol icmp counter accept
237 meta skuid 0 udp dport 33434-33523 counter accept comment "traceroute"
239 ${lib.optionalString networking.enableIPv6 ''
240 ip6 nexthdr ipv6-icmp jump accept-icmpv6
242 # Connectivity checking messages
243 ip6 nexthdr ipv6-icmp icmpv6 type echo-request counter accept
244 ip6 nexthdr ipv6-icmp icmpv6 type echo-reply counter accept
245 ip6 nexthdr ipv6-icmp log level err prefix "fw2net: icmpv6: catch all: " counter reject
247 ip6 daddr ff02::1:2/64 udp dport 547 counter accept comment "DHCPv6"
248 ''}
250 ct state invalid log level warn prefix "fw2net: invalid: " counter drop
252 tcp dport 22 counter accept comment "SSH"
254 # Some .nix append gotos here with: add rule inet filter output oifname ... goto ...
255 }
256 }
257 table inet nat {
258 chain prerouting {
259 type nat hook prerouting priority filter
260 policy accept
261 }
262 chain postrouting {
263 type nat hook postrouting priority srcnat
264 policy accept
265 }
266 }
267 '';
268 };
269 }