]> Git — Sourcephile - sourcephile-nix.git/blob - nixos/defaults.nix
nix: add module security.pass
[sourcephile-nix.git] / nixos / defaults.nix
1 { pkgs, lib, config, ... }:
2 let inherit (lib) types;
3 inherit (config.networking) hostName domain;
4 in
5 {
6 imports = [
7 ./modules.nix
8 defaults/predictable-interface-names.nix
9 ];
10 options = {
11 };
12 config = {
13 nix = {
14 #binaryCaches = lib.mkForce [];
15 extraOptions = ''
16 '';
17 # Use gc.automatic to keep disk space under control.
18 gc = {
19 automatic = true;
20 dates = "weekly";
21 options = "--delete-older-than 30d";
22 };
23 nixPath = [
24 # WARNING: this is a hack to avoid copying Nixpkgs
25 # a second time into the Nix store.
26 # It makes only sense when Nixpkgs is already in the Nix store,
27 # and is registered.
28 "nixpkgs=${toString pkgs.path}:nixpkgs-overlays=${../nixpkgs}/overlays.nix"
29 ];
30 };
32 nixpkgs = {
33 config = {
34 allowUnfree = false;
35 /*
36 packageOverrides = pkgs: {
37 postfix = pkgs.postfix.override {
38 withLDAP = true;
39 };
40 };
41 */
42 };
43 overlays = import ../nixpkgs/overlays.nix;
44 };
46 documentation.nixos = {
47 enable = false; # NOTE: useless on a server, and CPU intensive.
48 };
50 time = {
51 timeZone = "Europe/Paris";
52 };
54 i18n = {
55 defaultLocale = "fr_FR.UTF-8";
56 };
58 console = {
59 font = "Lat2-Terminus16";
60 keyMap = "fr";
61 };
63 # Always try to start all the units (default.target)
64 # because systemd's emergency shell does not try to start sshd.
65 # https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/systemd#Disable_emergency_mode_on_remote_machine
66 systemd.enableEmergencyMode = false;
68 # This is a remote headless server: always reboot on a kernel panic,
69 # to not have to physically go power cycle the apu2e4.
70 # Which happens if the wrong ZFS password is used
71 # but the boot is manually forced to continue.
72 # Using kernelParams instead of kernel.sysctl
73 # sets this up as soon as the initrd.
74 boot.kernelParams = [ "panic=10" ];
76 boot.cleanTmpDir = true;
77 boot.tmpOnTmpfs = true;
79 networking = {
80 # Fix hostname --fqdn
81 # See: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/10183#issuecomment-537629621
82 hosts = {
83 "" = lib.mkForce [ "${hostName}.${domain}" hostName ];
84 "::1" = lib.mkForce [ "${hostName}.${domain}" hostName "localhost" ];
85 };
86 search = [ domain ];
87 };
89 services = {
90 openssh = {
91 enable = true;
92 passwordAuthentication = false;
93 extraConfig = ''
94 '';
95 };
96 journald = {
97 extraConfig = ''
98 SystemMaxUse=50M
99 '';
100 };
101 };
103 environment = {
104 #checkConfigurationOptions = false;
105 #etc.nixpkgs.source = (pkgs.runCommandLocal "pkgs.path" {propagatedBuildInputs=[pkgs.path]; buildInputs=[pkgs.path];} "mkdir $out");
106 systemPackages = with pkgs; [
107 pkgs.path # WARNING: this is a hack to register the path to Nixpkgs. See nix.nixPath.
108 binutils
109 #dnsutils
110 dstat
111 gnupg
112 htop
113 inetutils
114 iotop
115 lsof
116 mailutils
117 multitail
118 ncdu
119 pv
120 swaplist
121 tcpdump
122 tmux
123 tree
124 vim
125 which
126 linuxPackages.cpupower
127 ];
129 etc."inputrc".text = lib.readFile defaults/readline/inputrc;
130 };
132 programs = {
133 bash = {
134 interactiveShellInit = ''
135 bind '"\e[A":history-search-backward'
136 bind '"\e[B":history-search-forward'
138 # Ignore duplicate commands, ignore commands starting with a space
139 export HISTCONTROL=erasedups:ignorespace
140 export HISTSIZE=42000
142 # Append to the history instead of overwriting (good for multiple connections)
143 shopt -s histappend
145 # Enable ** file pattern
146 shopt -s globstar
148 # Convenient mkdir wrapper
149 mkcd() { mkdir -p "$1" && cd "$1"; }
150 '';
151 shellAliases = {
152 cl = "clear";
153 l = "ls -alh";
154 ll = "ls -al";
155 ls = "ls --color=tty";
156 mem = "ps -e -orss=,user=,args= | sort -b -k1,1n";
158 s="sudo systemctl";
159 s-u="systemctl --user";
161 nixos-clean="sudo nix-collect-garbage -d";
162 nixos-history="sudo nix-env --list-generations --profile /nix/var/nix/profiles/system";
163 nixos-rollback="sudo nixos-rebuild switch --rollback";
164 nixos-update="sudo nix-channel --update";
165 nixos-upgrade="sudo nixos-rebuild switch";
166 nixos-upstream="sudo nix-channel --list";
167 };
168 };
169 gnupg = {
170 agent = {
171 pinentryFlavor = "curses";
172 };
173 };
174 mosh.enable = true;
175 mtr.enable = true;
176 };
177 };
178 }