]> Git — Sourcephile - sourcephile-nix.git/blob - machines/losurdo/networking.nix
tor: update PR#97740
[sourcephile-nix.git] / machines / losurdo / networking.nix
1 { pkgs, lib, config, machineName, ... }:
2 with builtins;
3 let
4 inherit (config) networking;
5 inherit (config.security) gnupg;
6 lanIPv4 = "";
7 lanNet = "";
8 lanIPv4Gateway = "";
9 in
10 {
11 imports = [
12 networking/nftables.nix
13 networking/ssh.nix
14 networking/wireguard/intranet.nix
15 networking/wireguard/extranet.nix
16 networking/tor.nix
17 networking/nsupdate.nix
18 networking/upnpc.nix
19 networking/wireless.nix
20 networking/openvpn.nix
21 ];
23 boot.initrd.network = {
24 enable = true;
25 flushBeforeStage2 = true;
26 # This will automatically load the zfs password prompt on login
27 # and kill the other prompt so boot can continue
28 # The pkill zfs kills the zfs load-key from the console
29 # allowing the boot to continue.
30 postCommands = ''
31 echo >>/root/.profile "zfs load-key ${machineName} && pkill zfs"
32 '';
33 };
35 /* WARNING: using ipconfig (the ip= kernel parameter) IS NOT RELIABLE:
36 a becomes a
37 boot.kernelParams = map
38 (ip: "ip=${ip.clientIP}:${ip.serverIP}:${ip.gatewayIP}:${ip.netmask}:${ip.hostname}:${ip.device}:${ip.autoconf}")
39 [ { clientIP = netIPv4; serverIP = "";
40 gatewayIP = networking.defaultGateway.address;
41 netmask = "";
42 hostname = ""; device = networking.defaultGateway.interface;
43 autoconf = "off";
44 }
45 { clientIP = lanIPv4; serverIP = "";
46 gatewayIP = "";
47 netmask = "";
48 hostname = ""; device = "enp2s0";
49 autoconf = "off";
50 }
51 ];
52 */
53 /* DIY network config, but a right one */
54 /*
55 boot.initrd.preLVMCommands = ''
56 set -x
58 # IPv4 lan
59 ip link set enp5s0 up
60 ip address add ${lanIPv4}/32 dev enp5s0
61 ip route add ${lanIPv4Gateway} dev enp5s0
62 ip route add ${lanNet} dev enp5s0 src ${lanIPv4} proto kernel
63 # NOTE: ${lanIPv4}/24 would not work with initrd's ip, hence ${lanNet}
64 ip route add default via ${lanIPv4Gateway} dev enp5s0
66 # IPv6 net
67 #ip -6 address add ''${lanIPv6} dev enp5s0
68 #ip -6 route add ''${lanIPv6Gateway} dev enp5s0
69 #ip -6 route add default via ''${lanIPv6Gateway} dev enp5s0
71 ip -4 address
72 ip -4 route
73 #ip -6 address
74 #ip -6 route
76 set +x
77 '';
78 */
79 # Workaround https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/56822
80 #boot.initrd.kernelModules = [ "ipv6" ];
82 # Useless without an out-of-band access, and unsecure
83 # (though / may still be encrypted at this point).
84 # boot.kernelParams = [ "boot.shell_on_fail" ];
86 /*
87 # Disable IPv6 entirely until it's available
88 boot.kernel.sysctl = {
89 "net.ipv6.conf.enp5s0.disable_ipv6" = 1;
90 };
91 */
93 networking = {
94 hostName = machineName;
95 domain = "sourcephile.fr";
97 useDHCP = false;
98 enableIPv6 = true;
99 /*
100 defaultGateway = {
101 address = lanIPv4Gateway;
102 interface = "enp5s0";
103 };
104 defaultGateway6 = {
105 address = lanIPv6Gateway;
106 interface = "enp5s0";
107 };
108 */
109 #nameservers = [ ];
110 };
112 networking.nftables.ruleset = ''
113 add rule inet filter input iifname "enp5s0" goto net2fw
114 add rule inet filter output oifname "enp5s0" jump fw2net
115 add rule inet filter output oifname "enp5s0" log level warn prefix "fw2net: " counter drop
116 add rule inet filter fw2net ip daddr ${lanNet} log level info prefix "fw2net: lan: " counter accept comment "LAN"
117 add rule inet nat postrouting oifname "enp5s0" masquerade
118 '';
119 boot.kernel.sysctl."net.ipv6.conf.enp5s0.addr_gen_mode" = 1;
120 /*
121 security.gnupg.secrets."ipv6/enp5s0/stable_secret" = {};
122 # This is only active in stage2, the initrd will still use the MAC-based SLAAC IPv6.
123 system.activationScripts.ipv6 = ''
124 ${pkgs.procps}/bin/sysctl --quiet net.ipv6.conf.enp5s0.stable_secret="$(cat ${gnupg.secrets."ipv6/enp5s0/stable_secret".path})"
125 '';
126 */
127 networking.interfaces.enp5s0 = {
128 useDHCP = true;
129 /*
130 ipv4.addresses = [ { address = lanIPv4; prefixLength = 24; } ];
132 ipv4.routes = [ { address = networking.defaultGateway.address; prefixLength = 32; } ];
133 ipv6.addresses = [ { address = lanIPv6; prefixLength = 64; }
134 { address = "fe80::1"; prefixLength = 10; }
135 ];
136 ipv6.routes = [ { address = networking.defaultGateway6.address; prefixLength = 64; } ];
137 */
138 };
139 }