]> Git — Sourcephile - sourcephile-nix.git/blob - shell.nix
wireguard: improve initrd setup
[sourcephile-nix.git] / shell.nix
1 let
2 nixpkgs_channel = builtins.getEnv "nixpkgs_channel";
3 # Bootstraping Nixpkgs to get tools to patch it.
4 originNixpkgs = import (.config/nixpkgs-channel + ("/${nixpkgs_channel}.nix"));
5 originPkgs = import originNixpkgs {
6 config = {}; # Make the config pure, ignoring user's config.
7 overlays = [];
8 };
9 remoteNixpkgsPatches = [
10 { meta.description = "dstat: fix pluginpath";
11 url = "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/80151.diff";
12 sha256 = "0jjw2gvp7b7v2n2m2d6yj0gw711j6p9lyjf5ywp2y9ql6905qf4b";
13 }
14 { meta.description = "syncoid: fix PATH to let it use sudo";
15 url = "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/83901.diff";
16 sha256 = "0q2dicmvl3h3hb9xdd870n5hf6lac489p000c7f1r6k70sh2id4l";
17 }
18 { meta.description = "sanoid: fix sanoid.conf generation";
19 url = "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/83904.diff";
20 sha256 = "0lj4krmmbz82zpmbacw0qj2ywsx895bq4d1psjn753ymh7jjqj8k";
21 }
22 { meta.description = "nixos/public-inbox: init";
23 url = "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/77450.diff";
24 sha256 = "13ikg7chpbf6rrg5sngbdb95q3awhdgl4g8vci42xmqyf208hzzd";
25 }
26 /*
27 { meta.description = "transmission: apply RFC0042 and harden the service";
28 url = "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/92106.diff";
29 sha256 = "0h1105qy0wrirvi9fk5d00qsjvm745196vb7wgr648d56rm17vv1";
30 }
31 { meta.description = "apparmor: fix and improve the service";
32 url = "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/93457.diff";
33 sha256 = "0y1kvsnm8xiplbm4w4cadmfkr452vipswkz3kwyyikknh06vj3mn";
34 }
35 */
36 ];
37 localNixpkgsPatches = [
38 nixpkgs/patches/transmission+apparmor.diff
39 nixpkgs/patches/installer.ssh-nixos.diff
40 nixpkgs/patches/security.gnupg.diff
41 nixpkgs/patches/services.croc.diff
42 nixpkgs/patches/fix-flushBeforeStage2.diff
43 ];
44 # Build nixpkgs with some patches.
45 nixpkgs = originPkgs.applyPatches {
46 name = "nixpkgs-patched";
47 src = originNixpkgs;
48 patches = map originPkgs.fetchpatch remoteNixpkgsPatches ++ localNixpkgsPatches;
49 postPatch = ''
50 patch=$(printf '%s\n' ${builtins.concatStringsSep " "
51 (map (p: p.sha256) remoteNixpkgsPatches ++ localNixpkgsPatches)} |
52 sort | sha256sum | cut -c -7)
53 echo "+patch-$patch" >.version-suffix
54 '';
55 };
56 # Final pkgs with custom overlays.
57 pkgs = import nixpkgs {
58 config = {}; # Make the config pure, ignoring user's config.
59 overlays = import nixpkgs/overlays.nix;
60 };
62 # Configuration of shell/modules/
63 # to expand shellHook and buildInputs of this shell.nix
64 shellConfig = {config, ...}: {
65 imports = [
66 shell/gnupg.nix
67 ];
68 nix = {
69 nixConf = ''
70 auto-optimise-store = true
71 '';
72 };
73 nix-plugins = {
74 enable = true;
75 };
76 gnupg = {
77 enable = true;
78 gnupgHome = toString ../sec/gnupg;
79 gpgExtraConf = ''
80 # julm@sourcephile.fr
81 trusted-key 0xB2450D97085B7B8C
82 '';
83 gpgAgentExtraConf = ''
84 #pretend-request-origin remote
85 #extra-socket ${toString ./.}/S.gpg-agent.extra
86 #log-file ${toString ./.}/gpg-agent.log
87 #no-grab
88 #debug-level expert
89 #allow-loopback-pinentry
90 '';
91 };
92 openssl = {
93 enable = true;
94 opensslHome = toString ../sec/openssl;
95 certificates = import shell/x509.nix;
96 };
97 openssh = {
98 enable = true;
99 sshConf = ''
100 Ciphers aes256-gcm@openssh.com,aes128-gcm@openssh.com,aes256-ctr
101 Compression no
102 #CompressionLevel 4
103 ControlMaster auto
104 ControlPath ${toString ../sec/ssh}/ssh-%h-%p-%r.socket
105 HashKnownHosts no
106 #SSAPIAuthentication no
107 SendEnv LANG LC_*
108 StrictHostKeyChecking yes
109 UserKnownHostsFile ${toString ../sec/ssh/known_hosts}
110 '';
111 };
112 virtualbox = {
113 enable = false;
114 };
115 };
117 # Using modules enables to separate specific configurations
118 # from reusable code in shell/modules.nix and shell/modules/
119 # which may find its way in another git repository one day.
120 shell = (pkgs.lib.evalModules {
121 modules = [ shellConfig ] ++ map import (pkgs.lib.findFiles ".*\\.nix" shell/modules);
122 args = { inherit pkgs; };
123 }).config;
125 pwd = toString (./. + "");
126 sourcephile-shred-tmp = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "sourcephile-shred-tmp" ''
127 # This is done when entering the nix-shell
128 # because direnv already hooks trap EXIT.
129 cd "${pwd}"
130 test ! -e sec/tmp || {
131 find sec/tmp -type f -exec shred -fu {} +
132 rm -rf sec/tmp
133 }
134 '';
135 in
136 pkgs.mkShell {
137 name = "sourcephile-nix";
138 src = null;
139 #preferLocalBuild = true;
140 #allowSubstitutes = false;
141 buildInputs = shell.nix-shell.buildInputs ++ [
142 sourcephile-shred-tmp
143 (pkgs.nixos []).nixos-generate-config
144 (pkgs.nixos []).nixos-install
145 (pkgs.nixos []).nixos-enter
146 #pkgs.binutils
147 pkgs.coreutils
148 pkgs.cryptsetup
149 pkgs.curl
150 #pkgs.direnv
151 pkgs.dnsutils
152 #pkgs.dropbear
153 pkgs.e2fsprogs
154 pkgs.git
155 pkgs.glibcLocales
156 pkgs.gnumake
157 pkgs.gnupg
158 pkgs.htop
159 #pkgs.inetutils
160 pkgs.ipcalc
161 #pkgs.iputils
162 pkgs.less
163 pkgs.libfaketime
164 pkgs.ldns
165 #pkgs.ldns.examples
166 #pkgs.mailutils
167 pkgs.man
168 pkgs.mdadm
169 pkgs.gptfdisk
170 pkgs.ncdu
171 pkgs.ncurses
172 #pkgs.nixops
173 #pkgs.openssl
174 pkgs.pass
175 pkgs.procps
176 pkgs.rsync
177 #pkgs.rxvt_unicode.terminfo
178 #pkgs.sqlite
179 pkgs.sqlite
180 #pkgs.sudo
181 pkgs.tig
182 pkgs.time
183 #pkgs.tmux
184 pkgs.tree
185 pkgs.utillinux
186 #pkgs.vim
187 #pkgs.virtualbox
188 pkgs.which
189 pkgs.xdg_utils
190 pkgs.zfs
191 pkgs.fio
192 pkgs.strace
193 pkgs.utillinux
194 #pkgs.zfstools
195 pkgs.linuxPackages.perf
196 #pkgs.go2nix
197 pkgs.wireguard
198 ];
199 #enableParallelBuilding = true;
200 shellHook = ''
201 echo >&2 "nix: running shellHook"
203 # password-store
204 export PASSWORD_STORE_DIR="$PWD"/../sec/pass
206 # Nix
208 export NIX_PATH="${pkgs.lib.concatStringsSep ":" [
209 "machines=$PWD/machines.nix"
211 "nixpkgs=${toString pkgs.path}"
212 "nixpkgs-overlays=$PWD/nixpkgs/overlays.nix"
213 ]}"
215 # Since the .envrc calls this shellHook
216 # the EXIT trap cannot be freely used
217 # because it's already used by direnv,
218 # hence shred at startup, which is not ideal.
219 sourcephile-shred-tmp
221 ${shell.nix-shell.shellHook}
223 # gpg
224 export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
225 gpg-connect-agent updatestartuptty /bye >/dev/null
226 '';
227 }