]> Git — Sourcephile - sourcephile-nix.git/blob - nixos/modules/services/misc/sourcehut/builds.nix
sourcehut: type-check and describe settings
[sourcephile-nix.git] / nixos / modules / services / misc / sourcehut / builds.nix
1 { config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
3 with lib;
4 let
5 cfg = config.services.sourcehut;
6 scfg = cfg.builds;
7 rcfg = config.services.redis;
8 iniKey = "builds.sr.ht";
10 drv = pkgs.sourcehut.buildsrht;
11 in
12 {
13 options.services.sourcehut.builds = {
14 user = mkOption {
15 type = types.str;
16 default = "buildsrht";
17 description = ''
18 User for builds.sr.ht.
19 '';
20 };
22 port = mkOption {
23 type = types.port;
24 default = 5002;
25 description = ''
26 Port on which the "builds" module should listen.
27 '';
28 };
30 database = mkOption {
31 type = types.str;
32 default = "builds.sr.ht";
33 description = ''
34 PostgreSQL database name for builds.sr.ht.
35 '';
36 };
38 statePath = mkOption {
39 type = types.path;
40 default = "${cfg.statePath}/buildsrht";
41 description = ''
42 State path for builds.sr.ht.
43 '';
44 };
46 enableWorker = mkOption {
47 type = types.bool;
48 default = false;
49 description = ''
50 Run workers for builds.sr.ht.
51 '';
52 };
54 images = mkOption {
55 type = types.attrsOf (types.attrsOf (types.attrsOf types.package));
56 default = { };
57 example = lib.literalExample ''(let
58 # Pinning unstable to allow usage with flakes and limit rebuilds.
59 pkgs_unstable = builtins.fetchGit {
60 url = "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs";
61 rev = "ff96a0fa5635770390b184ae74debea75c3fd534";
62 ref = "nixos-unstable";
63 };
64 image_from_nixpkgs = pkgs_unstable: (import ("${pkgs.sourcehut.buildsrht}/lib/images/nixos/image.nix") {
65 pkgs = (import pkgs_unstable {});
66 });
67 in
68 {
69 nixos.unstable.x86_64 = image_from_nixpkgs pkgs_unstable;
70 }
71 )'';
72 description = ''
73 Images for builds.sr.ht. Each package should be distro.release.arch and point to a /nix/store/package/root.img.qcow2.
74 '';
75 };
77 };
79 config = with scfg; let
80 image_dirs = lib.lists.flatten (
81 lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList
82 (distro: revs:
83 lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList
84 (rev: archs:
85 lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList
86 (arch: image:
87 pkgs.runCommandNoCC "buildsrht-images" { } ''
88 mkdir -p $out/${distro}/${rev}/${arch}
89 ln -s ${image}/*.qcow2 $out/${distro}/${rev}/${arch}/root.img.qcow2
90 '')
91 archs)
92 revs)
93 scfg.images);
94 image_dir_pre = pkgs.symlinkJoin {
95 name = "builds.sr.ht-worker-images-pre";
96 paths = image_dirs ++ [
97 "${pkgs.sourcehut.buildsrht}/lib/images"
98 ];
99 };
100 image_dir = pkgs.runCommandNoCC "builds.sr.ht-worker-images" { } ''
101 mkdir -p $out/images
102 cp -Lr ${image_dir_pre}/* $out/images
103 '';
104 in
105 lib.mkIf (cfg.enable && elem "builds" cfg.services) {
106 users = {
107 users = {
108 "${user}" = {
109 isSystemUser = true;
110 group = user;
111 extraGroups = lib.optionals cfg.builds.enableWorker [ "docker" ];
112 description = "builds.sr.ht user";
113 };
114 };
116 groups = {
117 "${user}" = { };
118 };
119 };
121 virtualisation.docker.enable = true;
123 services.postgresql = {
124 authentication = ''
125 local ${database} ${user} trust
126 '';
127 ensureDatabases = [ database ];
128 ensureUsers = [
129 {
130 name = user;
131 ensurePermissions = { "DATABASE \"${database}\"" = "ALL PRIVILEGES"; };
132 }
133 ];
134 };
136 systemd = {
137 tmpfiles.rules = [
138 "d ${statePath} 0755 ${user} ${user} -"
139 ] ++ (lib.optionals cfg.builds.enableWorker
140 [ "d ${statePath}/logs 0775 ${user} ${user} - -" ]
141 );
143 services = {
144 buildsrht = import ./service.nix { inherit config pkgs lib; } scfg drv iniKey
145 {
146 after = [ "postgresql.service" "network.target" ];
147 requires = [ "postgresql.service" ];
148 wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
150 description = "builds.sr.ht website service";
152 serviceConfig.ExecStart = "${cfg.python}/bin/gunicorn ${drv.pname}.app:app -b ${cfg.address}:${toString port}";
154 # Hack to bypass this hack: https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/core.sr.ht/tree/master/item/srht-update-profiles#L6
155 } // { preStart = " "; };
157 buildsrht-worker = {
158 enable = scfg.enableWorker;
159 after = [ "postgresql.service" "network.target" ];
160 requires = [ "postgresql.service" ];
161 wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
162 partOf = [ "buildsrht.service" ];
163 description = "builds.sr.ht worker service";
164 path = [ pkgs.openssh pkgs.docker ];
165 preStart = let qemuPackage = pkgs.qemu_kvm;
166 in ''
167 if [[ "$(docker images -q qemu:latest 2> /dev/null)" == "" || "$(cat ${statePath}/docker-image-qemu 2> /dev/null || true)" != "${qemuPackage.version}" ]]; then
168 # Create and import qemu:latest image for docker
169 ${
170 pkgs.dockerTools.streamLayeredImage {
171 name = "qemu";
172 tag = "latest";
173 contents = [ qemuPackage ];
174 }
175 } | docker load
176 # Mark down current package version
177 printf "%s" "${qemuPackage.version}" > ${statePath}/docker-image-qemu
178 fi
179 '';
180 serviceConfig = {
181 Type = "simple";
182 User = user;
183 Group = "nginx";
184 Restart = "always";
185 };
186 serviceConfig.ExecStart = "${pkgs.sourcehut.buildsrht}/bin/builds.sr.ht-worker";
187 };
188 };
189 };
191 services.sourcehut.settings = {
192 # Register the builds.sr.ht dispatcher
193 "git.sr.ht::dispatch".${builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext "${pkgs.sourcehut.buildsrht}/bin/buildsrht-keys"} = mkDefault "${user}:${user}";
194 # Location for build logs, images, and control command
195 } // lib.attrsets.optionalAttrs scfg.enableWorker {
196 # Default worker stores logs that are accessible via this address:port
197 "builds.sr.ht::worker".name = mkDefault "";
198 "builds.sr.ht::worker".buildlogs = mkDefault "${scfg.statePath}/logs";
199 "builds.sr.ht::worker".images = mkDefault "${image_dir}/images";
200 "builds.sr.ht::worker".controlcmd = mkDefault "${image_dir}/images/control";
201 "builds.sr.ht::worker".timeout = mkDefault "3m";
202 };
204 services.nginx.virtualHosts."logs.${cfg.originBase}" =
205 if scfg.enableWorker then {
206 listen = with builtins; let address = split ":" cfg.settings."builds.sr.ht::worker".name;
207 in [{ addr = elemAt address 0; port = lib.toInt (elemAt address 2); }];
208 locations."/logs".root = "${scfg.statePath}";
209 } else { };
211 services.nginx.virtualHosts."builds.${cfg.originBase}" = {
212 forceSSL = true;
213 locations."/".proxyPass = "http://${cfg.address}:${toString port}";
214 locations."/query".proxyPass = "http://${cfg.address}:${toString (port + 100)}";
215 locations."/static".root = "${pkgs.sourcehut.buildsrht}/${pkgs.sourcehut.python.sitePackages}/buildsrht";
216 };
217 };
218 }