]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-base.git/blob - src/Symantic/Semantics/Forall.hs
iface: rename syntax `Unabstractable` to `Instantiable`
[haskell/symantic-base.git] / src / Symantic / Semantics / Forall.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
8 -- | This module provides the 'Forall' semantic
9 -- which preserves the polymorphism of the semantic.
10 -- Useful when parsing the syntax from a text
11 -- (ie. when the domain-specific language
12 -- is not embedded into a Haskell file).
13 module Symantic.Semantics.Forall where
15 import Control.Applicative (Applicative (..))
16 import Control.Monad (Monad (..))
17 import Data.Bool (Bool (..))
18 import Data.Eq (Eq (..))
19 import Data.Function ((.))
20 import Data.Functor (Functor (..))
21 import Data.Kind (Type)
22 import Text.Show (Show (..))
23 import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
25 import Symantic.Syntaxes.Classes (Abstractable (..), Syntax, Syntaxes, Instantiable (..), Unabstractable (..))
27 -- * Type 'Forall'
28 newtype Forall (syns :: [Syntax]) (a :: Type)
29 = Forall (forall sem. Syntaxes syns sem => sem a)
31 instance
32 ( forall sem. Syntaxes syns sem => Functor sem
33 ) =>
34 Functor (Forall syns)
35 where
36 fmap f (Forall sem) = Forall (fmap f sem)
37 a <$ (Forall sem) = Forall (a <$ sem)
38 instance
39 ( forall sem. Syntaxes syns sem => Applicative sem
40 , Functor (Forall syns)
41 ) =>
42 Applicative (Forall syns)
43 where
44 pure a = Forall (pure a)
45 liftA2 f (Forall a) (Forall b) = Forall (liftA2 f a b)
46 (<*>) (Forall f) (Forall a) = Forall ((<*>) f a)
47 (<*) (Forall f) (Forall a) = Forall ((<*) f a)
48 (*>) (Forall f) (Forall a) = Forall ((*>) f a)
49 instance
50 ( forall sem. Syntaxes syns sem => Monad sem
51 , Applicative (Forall syns)
52 ) =>
53 Monad (Forall syns)
54 where
55 (>>=) (Forall sa) f = Forall (sa >>= \a -> case f a of Forall sb -> sb)
56 return = pure
57 (>>) = (*>)
58 instance
59 (forall sem. Syntaxes syns sem => Instantiable sem) =>
60 Instantiable (Forall syns)
61 where
62 Forall a2b .@ Forall a = Forall (a2b .@ a)
63 instance
64 ( forall sem. Syntaxes syns sem => Abstractable sem
65 , forall sem. Syntaxes syns sem => Instantiable sem
66 ) => Abstractable (Forall syns) where
67 lam f = Forall (lam (\a -> let Forall b = f (forallSem a) in b))
68 where
69 -- Safe here because (a :: sem a) and (b :: sem b) share the same 'sem'.
70 forallSem :: sem a -> Forall syns a
71 forallSem a = Forall (unsafeCoerce a)
73 -- * Type 'PerSyntax'
74 data PerSyntax :: [Syntax] -> (Syntax -> Type) -> Type where
75 PerSyntaxZ :: a syn -> PerSyntax (syn ': syns) a
76 PerSyntaxS :: PerSyntax syns a -> PerSyntax (skipSyn ': syns) a
78 instance Eq (PerSyntax '[] a) where
79 (==) = \case {}
80 instance
81 ( Eq (a syn)
82 , Eq (PerSyntax syns a)
83 ) =>
84 Eq (PerSyntax (syn ': syns) a)
85 where
86 PerSyntaxZ x == PerSyntaxZ y = x == y
87 PerSyntaxS x == PerSyntaxS y = x == y
88 _ == _ = False
90 instance Show (PerSyntax '[] a) where
91 showsPrec _p = \case {}
92 instance
93 ( Show (a syn)
94 , Show (PerSyntax syns a)
95 ) =>
96 Show (PerSyntax (syn ': syns) a)
97 where
98 showsPrec p = \case
99 PerSyntaxZ a -> showsPrec p a
100 PerSyntaxS s -> showsPrec p s
102 -- ** Class 'PerSyntaxable'
103 class PerSyntaxable (syns :: [Syntax]) (syn :: Syntax) where
104 perSyntax :: a syn -> PerSyntax syns a
105 instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} PerSyntaxable (syn ': syns) syn where
106 perSyntax = PerSyntaxZ
107 instance PerSyntaxable syns syn => PerSyntaxable (skipSyn ': syns) syn where
108 perSyntax = PerSyntaxS . perSyntax