]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-base.git/blob - src/Symantic/Typed/Data.hs
rename class {Derive => Derivable}
[haskell/symantic-base.git] / src / Symantic / Typed / Data.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
8 {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
9 {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
10 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
11 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
12 {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
13 {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
14 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
15 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
16 module Symantic.Typed.Data where
18 import Data.Bool (Bool)
19 import Data.Either (Either)
20 import Data.Kind (Constraint, Type)
21 import Data.Maybe (Maybe)
22 import Type.Reflection (Typeable, (:~~:)(..), eqTypeRep, typeRep)
23 import qualified Data.Eq as Eq
24 import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
25 import qualified Data.Function as Fun
27 import Symantic.Typed.Lang
28 import Symantic.Typed.Derive
30 -- * Type 'SomeData'
31 data SomeData repr a =
32 forall able.
33 ( Derivable (Data able repr)
34 , Typeable able
35 ) => SomeData (Data able repr a)
37 type instance Derived (SomeData repr) = repr
38 instance Derivable (SomeData repr) where
39 derive (SomeData x) = derive x
41 -- ** Type 'TypedRepr'
42 type TypedRepr = Type -> Type
44 -- ** Type 'Data'
45 -- TODO: neither data families nor data instances
46 -- can have phantom roles with GHC-9's RoleAnnotations,
47 -- hence 'Data.Coerce.coerce' cannot be used on them for now.
48 -- https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/issues/8177
49 -- https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/roles#proposal-roles-for-type-families
50 data family Data
51 (able :: TypedRepr -> Constraint)
52 :: TypedRepr -> TypedRepr
53 type instance Derived (Data able repr) = repr
55 -- | Convenient utility to pattern-match a 'SomeData'.
56 pattern Data :: Typeable able => Data able repr a -> SomeData repr a
57 pattern Data x <- (unSomeData -> Maybe.Just x)
59 -- | @(unSomeData c :: 'Maybe' ('Data' able repr a))@
60 -- extract the data-constructor from the given 'SomeData'
61 -- iif. it belongs to the @('Data' able repr a)@ data-instance.
62 unSomeData ::
63 forall able repr a.
64 Typeable able =>
65 SomeData repr a -> Maybe (Data able repr a)
66 unSomeData (SomeData (c::Data c repr a)) =
67 case typeRep @able `eqTypeRep` typeRep @c of
68 Maybe.Just HRefl -> Maybe.Just c
69 Maybe.Nothing -> Maybe.Nothing
71 -- Abstractable
72 data instance Data Abstractable repr a where
73 (:@) :: SomeData repr (a->b) -> SomeData repr a -> Data Abstractable repr b
74 Lam :: (SomeData repr a -> SomeData repr b) -> Data Abstractable repr (a->b)
75 Lam1 :: (SomeData repr a -> SomeData repr b) -> Data Abstractable repr (a->b)
76 Var :: repr a -> Data Abstractable repr a
77 -- FIXME: add constructors
78 instance
79 ( Abstractable repr
80 ) => Derivable (Data Abstractable repr) where
81 derive = \case
82 f :@ x -> derive f .@ derive x
83 Lam f -> lam (\x -> derive (f (SomeData (Var x))))
84 Lam1 f -> lam1 (\x -> derive (f (SomeData (Var x))))
85 Var x -> var x
86 instance
87 ( Abstractable repr
88 ) => Abstractable (SomeData repr) where
89 f .@ x = SomeData (f :@ x)
90 lam f = SomeData (Lam f)
91 lam1 f = SomeData (Lam1 f)
92 var = Fun.id
93 ($) = lam1 (\f -> lam1 (\x -> f .@ x))
94 (.) = lam1 (\f -> lam1 (\g -> lam1 (\x -> f .@ (g .@ x))))
95 const = lam1 (\x -> lam1 (\_y -> x))
96 flip = lam1 (\f -> lam1 (\x -> lam1 (\y -> f .@ y .@ x)))
97 id = lam1 (\x -> x)
99 -- Anythingable
100 data instance Data Anythingable repr a where
101 Anything :: repr a -> Data Anythingable repr a
102 instance
103 ( Anythingable repr
104 ) =>
105 Derivable (Data Anythingable repr) where
106 derive = \case
107 Anything x -> anything x
108 instance Anythingable (SomeData repr)
109 instance Anythingable (Data Anythingable repr)
111 -- Bottomable
112 data instance Data Bottomable repr a where
113 Bottom :: Data Bottomable repr a
114 instance Bottomable repr => Derivable (Data Bottomable repr) where
115 derive Bottom{} = bottom
117 -- Constantable
118 data instance Data (Constantable c) repr a where
119 Constant :: {-Typeable c =>-} c -> Data (Constantable c) repr c
120 instance Constantable c repr => Derivable (Data (Constantable c) repr) where
121 derive = \case
122 Constant x -> constant x
123 instance
124 ( Constantable c repr
125 , Typeable c
126 ) => Constantable c (SomeData repr) where
127 constant c = SomeData (Constant c)
128 instance {-Typeable c =>-} Constantable c (Data (Constantable c) repr) where
129 constant = Constant
131 -- Eitherable
132 data instance Data Eitherable repr a where
133 Left :: Data Eitherable repr (l -> Either l r)
134 Right :: Data Eitherable repr (r -> Either l r)
135 instance Eitherable repr => Derivable (Data Eitherable repr) where
136 derive = \case
137 Left -> left
138 Right -> right
139 instance
140 ( Eitherable repr
141 ) => Eitherable (SomeData repr) where
142 left = SomeData Left
143 right = SomeData Right
144 instance Eitherable (Data Eitherable repr) where
145 left = Left
146 right = Right
148 -- Equalable
149 data instance Data Equalable repr a where
150 Equal :: Eq.Eq a => Data Equalable repr (a -> a -> Bool)
151 instance Equalable repr => Derivable (Data Equalable repr) where
152 derive = \case
153 Equal -> equal
154 instance
155 ( Equalable repr
156 ) => Equalable (SomeData repr) where
157 equal = SomeData Equal
158 instance Equalable (Data Equalable repr) where
159 equal = Equal
161 -- IfThenElseable
162 data instance Data IfThenElseable repr a where
163 IfThenElse ::
164 SomeData repr Bool ->
165 SomeData repr a ->
166 SomeData repr a ->
167 Data IfThenElseable repr a
168 instance IfThenElseable repr => Derivable (Data IfThenElseable repr) where
169 derive = \case
170 IfThenElse test ok ko -> ifThenElse (derive test) (derive ok) (derive ko)
171 instance
172 ( IfThenElseable repr
173 ) => IfThenElseable (SomeData repr) where
174 ifThenElse test ok ko = SomeData (IfThenElse test ok ko)
175 instance IfThenElseable repr => IfThenElseable (Data IfThenElseable repr) where
176 ifThenElse test ok ko = IfThenElse (SomeData test) (SomeData ok) (SomeData ko)
178 -- Listable
179 data instance Data Listable repr a where
180 Cons :: Data Listable repr (a -> [a] -> [a])
181 Nil :: Data Listable repr [a]
182 infixr 4 `Cons`
183 instance Listable repr => Derivable (Data Listable repr) where
184 derive = \case
185 Cons -> cons
186 Nil -> nil
187 instance
188 ( Listable repr
189 ) => Listable (SomeData repr) where
190 cons = SomeData Cons
191 nil = SomeData Nil
192 instance Listable (Data Listable repr) where
193 cons = Cons
194 nil = Nil
196 -- Maybeable
197 data instance Data Maybeable repr a where
198 Nothing :: Data Maybeable repr (Maybe a)
199 Just :: Data Maybeable repr (a -> Maybe a)
200 instance Maybeable repr => Derivable (Data Maybeable repr) where
201 derive = \case
202 Nothing -> nothing
203 Just -> just
204 instance
205 ( Maybeable repr
206 ) => Maybeable (SomeData repr) where
207 nothing = SomeData Nothing
208 just = SomeData Just
209 instance Maybeable (Data Maybeable repr) where
210 nothing = Nothing
211 just = Just