]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-base.git/blob - src/Symantic/Syntaxes/TuplesOfFunctions.hs
iface: fix `data_` constraints to handle contravariant `sem`
[haskell/symantic-base.git] / src / Symantic / Syntaxes / TuplesOfFunctions.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
6 -- | Tuples-of-Functions
7 module Symantic.Syntaxes.TuplesOfFunctions where
9 import Data.Bool (Bool (..))
10 import Data.Either (Either (..))
11 import Data.Function qualified as Fun
12 import Data.Kind (Type)
13 import Type.Reflection ((:~:) (..))
15 -- * Type 'ToF'
16 type ToF a next = ToFIf (IsToF a) a next
18 -- ** Type 'ToFIf'
20 -- | Transform a type @(a)@ to Tuples-of-Functions returning @(next)@.
21 -- The @(t)@ parameter is to avoid overlapping instances of 'UnToFIf'.
22 type family ToFIf t a next :: Type where
23 -- For '<.>': curry.
24 ToFIf 'True (a, b) next = ToF a (ToF b next)
25 -- For '<+>', request both branches.
26 ToFIf 'True (Either l r) next = (ToF l next, ToF r next)
27 -- Useless to ask '()' as argument.
28 ToFIf 'True () next = next
29 -- Enable a different return value for each function.
30 ToFIf 'True (Endpoint end a) next = (next :~: end, a)
31 -- Everything else becomes a new argument.
32 ToFIf 'False a next = a -> next
34 -- ** Type 'IsToF'
36 -- | This 'Bool' is added to 'ToFIf' to avoid overlapping instances.
37 type family IsToF a :: Bool where
38 IsToF () = 'True
39 IsToF (a, b) = 'True
40 IsToF (Either l r) = 'True
41 IsToF (Endpoint end a) = 'True
42 IsToF a = 'False
44 -- ** Type 'Endpoint'
45 newtype Endpoint end a = Endpoint {unEndpoint :: a}
47 endpoint :: a -> ToF (Endpoint end a) end
48 endpoint = (Refl,)
50 -- * Type 'UnToF'
51 type UnToF a = UnToFIf (IsToF a) a
53 -- * Class 'UnToFIf'
54 class UnToFIf (t :: Bool) a where
55 unToF :: ToFIf t a next -> a -> next
56 instance UnToFIf 'True () where
57 unToF = Fun.const
58 instance (UnToF a, UnToF b) => UnToFIf 'True (a, b) where
59 unToF hab (a, b) = (unToF @(IsToF b) (unToF @(IsToF a) hab a)) b
60 instance (UnToF a, UnToF b) => UnToFIf 'True (Either a b) where
61 unToF (ha, hb) = \case
62 Left a -> unToF @(IsToF a) ha a
63 Right b -> unToF @(IsToF b) hb b
64 instance UnToFIf 'False a where
65 unToF = Fun.id