]> Git — Sourcephile - reloto-libreoffice.git/blob - jugements.py
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[reloto-libreoffice.git] / jugements.py
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 # Author: Julien Moutinho <julm@autogeree.net>
3 # License: GNU GPLv3 (or later, at your choice)
5 from __future__ import unicode_literals
6 from functools import reduce
7 import datetime
8 import os
9 import random
10 import shutil
11 import uno
12 from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxType import MESSAGEBOX, INFOBOX, WARNINGBOX, ERRORBOX, QUERYBOX
14 from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxResults import OK, YES, NO, CANCEL
15 from com.sun.star.beans import PropertyValue
16 from com.sun.star.sheet import CellFlags
18 if 'XSCRIPTCONTEXT' in globals():
19 def getModel():
20 return (XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument(), XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getComponentContext())
21 def debug(msg):
22 return
23 else:
24 from connect_to_libre_office import getModel
25 def debug(msg):
26 print(msg)
28 def MakeBallots(*args):
29 (model, context) = getModel()
30 FunctionAccess = context.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext("com.sun.star.sheet.FunctionAccess", context)
31 today = datetime.date.today()
32 ballotSheet = model.Sheets[0]
33 ballotsSheet = model.Sheets[1]
34 ballotDate = today.strftime("%Y-%m")
35 ballotIDCell = ballotSheet.getCellRangeByName("bulletinID")
36 gradesRange = ballotSheet.getCellRangeByName("mentions")
37 choicesRange = ballotSheet.getCellRangeByName("choix")
39 # Number of ballots
40 ballots = intOfCell(ballotsSheet.getCellByPosition(0, 0).Value)
41 if not (ballots > 0):
42 MsgBox(ERRORBOX, BUTTONS_OK, "MakeBallots", \
43 "ERROR: set $"+ballotsSheet.Name+"$A$1 to the number of ballots.")
44 return -1
46 # Set bulletins NamedRange
47 ballotsRange = ballotsSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(0, 4, 0, 4 + ballots - 1)
48 model.NamedRanges.removeByName("bulletins")
49 model.NamedRanges.addNewByName \
50 ( "bulletins"
51 , ballotsRange.AbsoluteName
52 , ballotsSheet.getCellByPosition(0,0).CellAddress
53 , 0 )
55 grades = gradesRange.DataArray[0]
56 choices = choicesRange.DataArray
57 ballotsHeaderGrades = ["Mentions :"] + list(grades * len(choices))
58 ballotsHeaderChoices = [ballots] + ([""] * (len(ballotsHeaderGrades) - 1))
59 ballotsHeaderSumByChoice = ["Somme par choix :"] + ([""] * (len(ballotsHeaderGrades) - 1))
60 ballotsHeaderSumByGrade = ["Somme par mention :"] + ([""] * (len(ballotsHeaderGrades) - 1))
61 for choice in range(len(choices)):
62 ballotsHeaderChoices[1 + choice * len(grades)] = choices[choice][0]
64 ballotsHeader = \
65 [ ballotsHeaderChoices
66 , ballotsHeaderSumByChoice
67 , ballotsHeaderSumByGrade
68 , ballotsHeaderGrades ]
69 ballotsList = []
70 ballotDir = "./bulletins"
71 rm(ballotDir)
72 mkdir(ballotDir)
73 IDdigits = 8
74 randomIDs = random.sample(range(0, 10 ** IDdigits - 1), ballots)
75 for i in range(1,ballots+1):
76 ballot = randomIDs.pop()
77 ballotID = "SS-"+ballotDate+"-"+("%0*i" % (IDdigits, ballot))
78 ballotIDCell.String = ballotID
79 ballotsList.append([ballotID] + [""] * len(grades) * len(choices))
80 debug("ballotID:"+str(ballotID))
81 exportPDF(model, ballotSheet, os.getcwd()+"/"+ballotDir+"/"+("%0*i" % (IDdigits, ballot))+".pdf")
82 ballotsList.sort(key=lambda data: data[0])
83 ballotIDCell.String = "<identifiant-anonyme>"
84 clearSheet(ballotsSheet)
85 ballotsData = ballotsHeader + ballotsList
86 ballotsRange = ballotsSheet.getCellRangeByPosition \
87 ( 0, 0, len(ballotsData[0]) - 1, len(ballotsData) - 1 )
88 ballotsRange.DataArray = ballotsData
90 # ballotsSheet headers
91 headerCell = ballotsSheet.getCellByPosition(0, 0)
92 headerCell.HoriJustify = 2
93 for header in range(1,4):
94 headerCell = ballotsSheet.getCellByPosition(0, header)
95 headerCell.HoriJustify = 3
97 for choice in range(len(choices)):
98 # Merge choice title
99 choiceCellOrig = choicesRange.getCellByPosition(0, choice)
100 choiceRange = ballotsSheet.getCellRangeByPosition \
101 ( 1 + choice * len(grades), 0
102 , 1 + choice * len(grades) + len(grades) - 1, 0 )
103 choiceRange.merge(True)
104 choiceRange.CellBackColor = choiceCellOrig.CellBackColor
105 choiceRange.CharWeight = choiceCellOrig.CharWeight
106 choiceRange.HoriJustify = 1
107 choiceRange.VertJustify = 1
109 # Merge SUM() by choice
110 startSum = FunctionAccess.callFunction("ADDRESS", [3, 2 + choice * len(grades), 4])
111 endSum = FunctionAccess.callFunction("ADDRESS", [3, 2 + choice * len(grades) + len(grades) - 1, 4])
112 sumByGradeCell = ballotsSheet.getCellByPosition \
113 ( 1 + choice * len(grades), 1 )
114 sumByGradeCell.Formula = "=SUM(%s:%s)" % (startSum, endSum)
115 sumByChoiceRange = ballotsSheet.getCellRangeByPosition \
116 ( 1 + choice * len(grades), 1
117 , 1 + choice * len(grades) + len(grades) - 1, 1 )
118 sumByChoiceRange.merge(True)
120 for grade in range(len(grades)):
121 # Copy grade color
122 gradeCellOrig = gradesRange.getCellByPosition(grade, 0)
123 gradeCell = ballotsSheet.getCellByPosition \
124 ( 1 + choice * len(grades) + grade, 3 )
125 gradeCell.CellBackColor = gradeCellOrig.CellBackColor
126 gradeCell.CharWeight = gradeCellOrig.CharWeight
128 # Write SUM() by grade
129 startSum = FunctionAccess.callFunction("ADDRESS", [5, 2 + choice * len(grades) + grade, 4])
130 endSum = FunctionAccess.callFunction("ADDRESS", [5 + len(ballotsList) - 1, 2 + choice * len(grades) + grade, 4])
131 sumByGradeCell = ballotsSheet.getCellByPosition \
132 ( 1 + choice * len(grades) + grade, 2 )
133 sumByGradeCell.Formula = "=SUM(%s:%s)" % (startSum, endSum)
135 def MakeResults(*args):
136 (model, context) = getModel()
138 ballotSheet = model.Sheets[0]
139 ballotsSheet = model.Sheets[1]
140 valueSheet = model.Sheets[2]
141 rankingSheet = model.Sheets[3]
143 gradesRange = ballotSheet.getCellRangeByName("mentions")
144 choicesRange = ballotSheet.getCellRangeByName("choix")
145 ballotsRange = ballotsSheet.getCellRangeByName("bulletins")
147 grades = gradesRange.DataArray[0]
148 choices = list(map(lambda x: x[0], choicesRange.DataArray))
149 ballots = list(map(lambda x: x[0], ballotsRange.DataArray))
150 lenGrades = len(grades)
151 lenChoices = len(choices)
152 lenBallots = len(ballots)
154 sumByChoice = ballotsSheet.getCellRangeByPosition \
155 (1, 1, lenChoices * lenGrades, 1).DataArray[0]
156 sumByGrade = ballotsSheet.getCellRangeByPosition \
157 (1, 2, lenChoices * lenGrades, 2).DataArray[0]
158 debug("sumByChoice:"+str(sumByChoice))
159 debug("sumByGrade:"+str(sumByGrade))
161 clearSheet(valueSheet)
162 clearSheet(rankingSheet)
164 valueData = []
165 sumByGradeByChoice = []
166 for choice in range(lenChoices):
167 debug("choice:"+str(choices[choice]))
168 choiceGrades = list(map(intOfCell, sumByGrade[choice*lenGrades:choice*lenGrades + lenGrades]))
169 sumByGradeByChoice.append([choices[choice]] + choiceGrades.copy())
170 debug(" choiceGrades:"+str(choiceGrades))
171 choiceBallots = int(sumByChoice[choice*lenGrades])
172 debug(" choiceBallots:"+str(choiceBallots))
174 # Check ballots counting consistency
175 if choiceBallots != lenBallots:
176 MsgBox(ERRORBOX, BUTTONS_OK, "MakeResults", \
177 "Choice "+str(choices[choice])+" has "+str(int(choiceBallots))+" ballots" \
178 + "\nbut the total number of ballots is "+str(lenBallots)+"." \
179 + "\nAborting. Fix the ballots counting and retry.")
180 return -1
182 # Seek medianGrade
183 nJudgesLower = 0
184 medianGrade = -1
185 while nJudgesLower*2 < lenBallots:
186 medianGrade = medianGrade + 1
187 nJudgesLower = nJudgesLower + intOfCell(choiceGrades[medianGrade])
188 debug(" medianGrade:"+str(medianGrade))
190 # Extend choiceValue with the overflow of the lower judgments
191 choiceValue = [choices[choice]]
192 ballot = 1
193 lowerMedianGrade = medianGrade
194 higherMedianGrade = medianGrade + 1
195 nJudgesHigher = lenBallots - nJudgesLower
196 while nJudgesLower > nJudgesHigher:
197 while intOfCell(choiceGrades[lowerMedianGrade]) == 0:
198 lowerMedianGrade -= 1
199 choiceGrades[lowerMedianGrade] -= 1
200 choiceValue.append(lowerMedianGrade)
201 nJudgesLower -= 1
202 ballot += 1
204 # Extend choiceValue by alterning between lower and higher judgments
205 while ballot < lenBallots:
206 ballot += 2
207 while lowerMedianGrade > 0 and intOfCell(choiceGrades[lowerMedianGrade]) == 0:
208 lowerMedianGrade -= 1
209 while higherMedianGrade < lenGrades - 1 and intOfCell(choiceGrades[higherMedianGrade]) == 0:
210 higherMedianGrade += 1
211 choiceValue.append(lowerMedianGrade)
212 choiceValue.append(higherMedianGrade)
213 choiceGrades[lowerMedianGrade] -= 1
214 choiceGrades[higherMedianGrade] -= 1
216 # Fill valueData
217 valueData.append(choiceValue)
219 # Rank
220 rankingData = list(zip(sumByGradeByChoice, valueData))
221 rankingData.sort(key=lambda data: data[1][1:lenBallots+1])
222 rankingData.reverse()
223 valueData = list(map(lambda data: data[1], rankingData))
224 rankingData = [[""] + list(grades)] + list(map(lambda data: \
225 map(lambda c: "" if c == 0 else c, data[0]), rankingData))
226 rankingRange = rankingSheet.getCellRangeByPosition \
227 ( 0, 0, len(rankingData[0]) - 1, len(rankingData) - 1 )
228 rankingRange.DataArray = rankingData
230 # rankingHeader: choices
231 rankingChoicesRange = rankingSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(0, 1, 0, lenChoices)
232 for choice in range(lenChoices):
233 rankingChoiceCell = rankingChoicesRange.getCellByPosition(0, choice)
234 choiceCell = choicesRange.getCellByPosition(0, choice)
235 rankingChoiceCell.CellBackColor = choiceCell.CellBackColor
236 rankingChoiceCell.CharWeight = choiceCell.CharWeight
237 rankingChoiceCell.HoriJustify = 1
238 rankingChoiceCell.VertJustify = 1
240 # rankingHeader: grades
241 rankingGradesRange = rankingSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(1, 0, lenGrades, 0)
242 for grade in range(lenGrades):
243 rankingGradeCell = rankingGradesRange.getCellByPosition(grade, 0)
244 choiceCell = gradesRange.getCellByPosition(grade, 0)
245 rankingGradeCell.CellBackColor = choiceCell.CellBackColor
246 rankingGradeCell.CharWeight = choiceCell.CharWeight
247 rankingGradeCell.HoriJustify = 1
248 rankingGradeCell.VertJustify = 1
250 # Color values
251 valueDataRange = valueSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(2, 1, 2 + lenBallots - 1, lenChoices)
252 for choice in range(lenChoices):
253 for ballot in range(lenBallots):
254 grade = valueData[choice][1+ballot]
255 valueCell = valueDataRange.getCellByPosition(ballot, choice)
256 gradeCell = gradesRange.getCellByPosition(grade, 0)
257 valueCell.CellBackColor = gradeCell.CellBackColor
259 # Compute rank
260 for value in valueData:
261 base = lenGrades
262 debug("base:"+str(base))
263 digits = list(map(lambda v: v, value[1:lenBallots+1]))
264 rank = inBase(base, digits)
265 # FIXME: this algorithm is completely wrong,
266 # see https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hjugement-
267 rankMax = base ** lenBallots - 1
268 debug("digits:"+str(digits))
269 debug("rank:"+str(rank))
270 debug("rankMax:"+str(rankMax))
271 value.insert(1, rank / rankMax)
273 valueRange = valueSheet.getCellRangeByPosition \
274 ( 0, 1, len(valueData[0]) - 1, len(valueData) )
275 valueRange.DataArray = valueData
277 # valueHeader: choice
278 valueHeader = valueSheet.getCellByPosition(0, 0)
279 valueHeader.HoriJustify = 2
280 valueHeader.CharWeight = 150
281 valueHeader.String = "Choix"
283 # valueHeader: choices
284 valueChoicesRange = valueSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(0, 1, 0, lenChoices)
285 for choice in range(lenChoices):
286 valueChoiceCell = valueChoicesRange.getCellByPosition(0, choice)
287 choiceCell = choicesRange.getCellByPosition(0, choice)
288 valueChoiceCell.CellBackColor = choiceCell.CellBackColor
289 valueChoiceCell.CharWeight = choiceCell.CharWeight
290 valueChoiceCell.HoriJustify = 1
291 valueChoiceCell.VertJustify = 1
293 # valueHeader: rank
294 valueHeader = valueSheet.getCellByPosition(1, 0)
295 valueHeader.HoriJustify = 2
296 valueHeader.CharWeight = 150
297 valueHeader.String = "Rang"
299 # valueHeader: values
300 valueHeader = valueSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(2, 0, 2 + lenBallots - 1, 0)
301 valueHeader.merge(True)
302 valueHeader = valueSheet.getCellByPosition(2, 0)
303 valueHeader.HoriJustify = 2
304 valueHeader.CharWeight = 150
305 valueHeader.String = "Valeur"
307 def inBase(base, digits):
308 acc = 0
309 for digit in digits:
310 acc = digit + (base * acc)
311 return acc
313 def intOfCell(cell):
314 return int(cell) if cell != '' else 0
315 def sumCells(cells):
316 return reduce(lambda x,y: intOfCell(x) + intOfCell(y), cells)
317 def getUsedArea(sheet):
318 cursor = sheet.createCursor()
319 cursor.gotoStartOfUsedArea(False)
320 cursor.gotoEndOfUsedArea(True)
321 return cursor
322 def clearSheet(sheet):
323 cursor = sheet.createCursor()
324 cursor.gotoStartOfUsedArea(False)
325 cursor.gotoEndOfUsedArea(True)
326 rangeAddress = cursor.RangeAddress
327 range = sheet.getCellRangeByPosition \
328 ( rangeAddress.StartColumn
329 , rangeAddress.StartRow
330 , rangeAddress.EndColumn
331 , rangeAddress.EndRow )
332 flags = CellFlags.VALUE | \
333 CellFlags.DATETIME | \
334 CellFlags.STRING | \
335 CellFlags.ANNOTATION | \
336 CellFlags.FORMULA | \
337 CellFlags.HARDATTR | \
338 CellFlags.STYLES | \
339 CellFlags.OBJECTS | \
340 CellFlags.EDITATTR
341 range.clearContents(flags)
342 def MsgBox(msgtype, buttons, title, message):
343 (model, context) = getModel()
344 parentwin = model.CurrentController.Frame.ContainerWindow
345 toolkit = parentwin.getToolkit()
346 msgbox = toolkit.createMessageBox(parentwin, msgtype, buttons, title, message)
347 ret = msgbox.execute()
348 msgbox.dispose()
349 return ret
351 def rm(path):
352 if os.path.exists(path):
353 shutil.rmtree(path)
354 def mkdir(path):
355 if not os.path.exists(path):
356 os.makedirs(path)
357 def exportPDF(model, ballotSheet, ballotOutput):
358 # DOC: https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/API/Tutorials/PDF_export
359 model.storeToURL \
360 ( "file://"+ballotOutput
361 , ( PropertyValue("FilterName", 0, "calc_pdf_Export", 0)
362 , PropertyValue \
363 ( "FilterData", 0
364 , uno.Any( "[]com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue" \
365 , ( PropertyValue \
366 ( "Selection", 0
367 , ballotSheet.getCellRangeByName("bulletin"), 0 )
368 , ) )
369 , 0 )
370 , PropertyValue("Overwrite", 0, True, 0)
371 , PropertyValue("SelectPdfVersion", 0, 0, 0) # PDF 1.4
372 )
373 )
375 g_exportedScripts = MakeBallots, MakeResults