]> Git — Sourcephile - julm/rezine-rfcs.git/project_list
List all projects in 'julm/'
Project Description Last Change
julm/english.git julm's english learning notes 26 hours ago
julm/julm-nix.git julm's NixOS and home-manager configs 8 days ago
julm/camera.git julm's camera scripts 6 months ago
julm/podcasts.git julm's podcast downloads 8 months ago
julm/rezine-rfcs.git RFCs for Rézine 8 months ago
julm/air-duino.git julm's air quality station for Seeeduino 3 years ago
julm/AoC-2020.git julm's Advent of Code 2020 3 years ago
julm/violon-tex.git julm's violin scores TeX engine 10 years ago