]> Git — Sourcephile
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Project Description Last Change
julm/podcasts.git julm's podcast downloads 2 days ago
tmp/julm/alpmestan-sounds.git 2 days ago
literate-phylomemy.git Phylomemetic network algorithms 3 days ago
literate-phylomemy-example1.git Phylomemetic network example 1 7 days ago
julm/julm-nix.git julm's NixOS and home-manager configs 9 days ago
julm/english.git julm's english learning notes 10 days ago
haskell/literate-web.git Library for web publishing in Haskell 5 weeks ago
sourcephile-nix.git NixOS configurations for Sourcephile's infrastructure 2 months ago
haskell/logic.git Haskell library to formulate and prove logical propositions 3 months ago
gargantext.git Search, map, share 4 months ago
haskell/symantic-base.git Library for basic symantic combinators 4 months ago
julm/camera.git julm's camera scripts 7 months ago
haskell/symantic-parser.git Library for parsing 8 months ago
julm/rezine-rfcs.git RFCs for Rézine 8 months ago
majurity.git Tools for voting with Majority Judgment and Helios-C 10 months ago
tmp/julm/symantic.git 13 months ago
tmp/julm/arpeggigon.git 21 months ago
sourcephile-web.git Website of Sourcephile 2 years ago
webc.git Haskell-website compiler 2 years ago
haskell/symantic-plaintext.git Library for plaintext formatting 2 years ago
haskell/literate-accounting.git Library for accounting in Haskell 2 years ago
reloto-libreoffice.git Macro LibreOffice en Python pour du Tirage au sort... 2 years ago
haskell/symantic-document.git Library for writing documents 2 years ago
haskell/symantic-compta.git Library for accounting into Haskell spreadsheets 3 years ago
tmp/julm/symantic-reify.git 3 years ago
julm/air-duino.git julm's air quality station for Seeeduino 3 years ago
sourcephile-txt.git Texts for organizing Sourcephile 3 years ago
julm/AoC-2020.git julm's Advent of Code 2020 3 years ago
haskell/symantic-cli.git Library for Command Line Interface 4 years ago
haskell/symantic-xml.git Library for XML and RelaxNG 4 years ago
haskell/symantic-atom.git Library for Atom 4 years ago
haskell/treeseq.git Library for a rose tree, using a finger tree for forests 4 years ago
doclang.git Tools for writing technical documents 4 years ago
git-remote-gpg.git Tool for encrypting a remote Git repository with GnuPG 4 years ago
reloto.git Tools for publicly verifiable draws 4 years ago
haskell/symantic-http.git Library for HTTP 4 years ago
haskell/symantic.git Library for Typed Tagless-Final Higher-Order Composable DSL 5 years ago
comptalang.git A language for accounting 5 years ago
haskell/localization.git Library for localization 5 years ago
haskell/treemap.git Library for a tree of Data.Map 5 years ago
haskell/interval.git Library for intervals with adherences 7 years ago
julm/violon-tex.git julm's violin scores TeX engine 11 years ago
majurity-libreoffice.git Macro LibreOffice en Python pour du Jugement Majoritaire No commits
sourcephile.git One Git to rule them all No commits
testing.git Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to... No commits
tmp/julm/literate-phylomemy-script.git No commits